Turbobit Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Turbobit here.

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I have two questions regarding turbobit.net

1.) Do they really pay to paypal and how many days to wait ?
2.) How much money do I have (earn) to pay me (minimal payout) ?
You get very in-depth statistics and they seem to be legit so I don't think they cheat in any manner. For every single sale you get payment system used by the user (CC, SMS, Bank transfer, webmoney, ...), which exact plan the user chose (for example there are special plans in SMS payments, your profit for the sale (which is also varying a lot since they give you a percentage profit after deducting the paygate fee so you get less for SMS than for CC for example, your site profit (if you are using an own domain and not public ones) and also the exact referer URL from this sale.

So in general I don't think they cheat, but you never can be sure. The profit is not that high when you are starting since the premium is cheap. That can also be a good point for you since more users are willing to pay for it. BUT: After about a year of successful work with them I am already Gold Magnate and get +25% on top of every sale and that really rocks :fly:
Anyone can answer my question... I am on the old PPD and as far as I recall there will be a limit on storage if you you had negative temperature is this correct? til now??.. And the Mix PPD and PPS there is no US but in the old PPD there is so does this mean that US can't download from turbobit??
Too many sales SMS-1day $0.1
That is not intelligent. If users want to buy, they will buy, not depended upon price.
If turbobit disable SMS and 1 day period, uploaders will work with them.
More uploaders work, more files, downloaders buy more.

With turbobit, 60 sales sms-1day, uploaders earn $6 LOL
With rapidgator 1 sale - 1 month, uploaders earn $6.5

That why, not any uploaders like turbobit
A Warning To All

When you try to download from turbobit you get ths message: " Our service is currently unavailable in your country. Sorry about that". It isnt available in the US. If your are looking for a way around it please whatever you do DONT DOWNLOAD a program like Expat Shield, Ultrasurf, Foxy Proxy, Free VPN or the like that hides or gives your computer a new IP address to fool turboboit into thinking youre computer is from another country. They do not work and you will screw up your computer horribly. Once you exit the program you get a nice little surprise you will NOT be able to connect to the internet because it deleted, removed your IP address or God know what it did with it and the only solution is to do a system restore to get your IP address back again and keep your fingers crossed that is is successfull. I know because it happened to me.
If you are not able to properly configure and remove a VPN connection, you should maybe switch to a tablet where you have not as many options instead of a computer where you have to configure things and can screw them up :facepalm:

TurboBit works with several VPNs and also services like premiumize.me if you are able to configure it properly ;)
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