The Official Alertpay Support Thread

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Hi RapidLearner

As per our User Agreement, we cannot guarantee that the buyer/seller will complete the transaction since we are not agents in the transaction. We facilitate transactions between others rather than initiate them. Of their own accord, every member agrees to provide their product/service according to our User Agreement and the contracts they have with other members. Therefore, we are not liable for a member’s failure to complete a transaction.

By reading and accepting our User Agreement, you acknowledge that AlertPay is not liable for any lost profits, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of or in connection to the site, our service or the agreement.

Partial refunds are generally only issued on faulty sellers who are no longer supported by AlertPay (suspended )


how much days are left for debit card with draw

I think never. the credit card withdrawal option was recently removed:

Alertpay is closing the doors. I guess :(
@Alertpay Team

When credit card "integration" is expected to be working again ? Do you know of any other such service with such a long problem?
P.S. Not everyone can carry American Express card just for Alertpay.
thank you alertpay got my money back :)

my reference post

hello sir,

please reply to my pm :) Thankyou

check this

Ticket ID:VSN-890424

Hi babarali124, nmrs everyone

In an effort to offer better support to our members I would kindly ask you to follow these guidelines from post #665,

This thread has become too cluttered and members are unable to find information about how to use their accounts.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Hello alertpay support,

Can you tell why we should to use alertpay?

I can show you some of facts that we should not use alertpay anymore:
1.Withdraw is not working for CC and BA as well.
2.You take SUPER HIGHT Fee for every transaction (also when withraw was working alertpay had stolen 20-25% of money!!)
3.Your support staff sucks... probalby they are drunk.
4.Do you want to write more facts that alertpay future is dead?

Also, I have 1 suggest for alertpay staff: Close your alertpay accounts and use :P

Hi funxlab

Please refer to post #665,

We are trying to make this support thread less cluttered, as members are unable to find the information they need concerning how to work their account.

We will make announcements about service offers to avoid posts that clutter this support thread.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Hello Mr. Sean let me explain

Most people are interested in how to withdraw their money from their Alertpay account. or how to verify their Personal Pro/Business account.

Since none is working at Alertpay (cheque withdrawal, CC withdrawal, Bank Transfer withdrawal) you will get the same questions all the time.

new users at Alertpay:
-Can not verify their account using Credit Card

Existent users at Alertpay 'Personal Pro':
-Can not withdraw money using:
1- credit card
2- cheque
3- bank wire (not working properly, high FEE's, delays, reversal transactions)
* Alertpay takes up 4 business days to answer tickets (bad luck if you submit a ticket on Friday :()
* Disputes are fixed within 1 month

Business Accounts:
1- can not verify their account (new accounts)
2- high charges/FEEs
3- losing hundred dollars
4- problems to withdraw
5- Their customers cant pay using VISA and Master Card
6- good bye subscriptions
7- bad support
therefore bye clients, bye business :facepalm:

so please answer all questions, and don't be angry :)
@Sonic: wait till they cover their new building fees..

Bank Wire: $15.00 USD,
credit card withdraw was $5,

how the hell they cover?

sorry,if i hurt..

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