Terafile.co / upload and earn – we do the rest! / Official support thread.

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Yes, we wont pay for nothing.
By default XFS will count all downloads, even if 1 user has multiple downloads in 24 hours from 1 file. So we changed this days ago.

Now its only 1 user > 1 download per 1 file > 24 hours.

If you believe something went wrong, please create a ticket including:
- File link
- IP address

Have a nice day.
if 1 user download 5 different file,you count 5 download or 1 download?
Hi mates,

ive written to admin PM but hes not responding so im asking here-requested payment for the first time at december 04. Still not paid. How many days does it take to receive payment on Payza?

@genutis all you had to do was read the first post.

Current payout terms:

All payout requests made on the previous week will be paid on the current week.
All payout requests made on the current week will be paid on the next week.
Hello vandt,

5 downloads will be counted.

Added after 3 minutes:

Hello grewlis,

Usually we pay from Tuesday to Thursday

Added after 12 minutes:

Hello karsh,

We've upgraded our network. New servers have been installed. So uploading speed will be increased in few next days.
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I keep getting this error:
Error1:Can't connect to (Connection refused) LWP::Protocol::http::Socket: connect: Connection refused at /usr/share/perl5/LWP/Protocol/http.pm line 51.
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