Terafile.co / upload and earn – we do the rest! / Official support thread.

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what day u pay and do u still pay in payza?

Hello viper,

all Payza payments are made

I PM u sir please check it

Hello myincome2020,


Added after 8 minutes:

Why is the remote upload so fast but the web upload is dead slow?

Hello Karsh,

Due to the large number of new uploaders some of our servers are overloaded. In the next few days we will install new servers and solve this problem.
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am1000 Anything wrong with that?
YES , why yu don't explain all what means jailbait ?
guys ok if you want just make some $ but stay away from filehost that allowed and admitted that have allowed jaibait content

Jailbait is a term used to refer to underage persons or material (child porn) that if you were caught having sex with an underage person or possessing such material you would be sent to jail.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jailbait is slang[1] for a minor who is younger than the legal age of consent for sexual activity, with the implication that a non-deviant older person might find him or her sexually attractive.[2]
As the legal age of consent varies by country and jurisdiction, the age at which a person can be considered "jailbait" varies. For example, in the United Kingdom, where the age of consent is 16,[3] the term is used to refer to those younger than 16.
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terafile who ever uploads jailbait is sick in the head what ever its to do with and action should be taken and the proper judgement should be made your a business allowing that sort of stuff is bad

anyway @terafile when i click links site says its offline or sometimes it just says offline is there any problem with your servers
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