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i cant delete my own file.. can you help me :(
when i click x (delete) button it goes to download page
when i click [delete selected] button then nothing happened
Ok thx.When we open folder folder names are not listed alphabetic, fix this :D

It's not broken - you just click on the column headers to sort by whatever method you want :sun:

i cant delete my own file.. can you help me
when i click x (delete) button it goes to download page
when i click [delete selected] button then nothing happened

Confirmed, but I think it might be because the script is being worked on. If it's still happening in a few hours I'll get it looked at :sun:
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I believe what dorukhan is saying is that the folders are not sorted alphabetically in "My Files".

The column headers only sort files, not folders.
column ? sorry i dont understand :s

In your file manager where your files are listed - you will see that the files are arranged in rows, and the values are arranged in columns. The headers for the columns are as follows -
File Name-Description/Size/DL/Money/Uploaded - now if you click on any of those headers it will sort your files according to which one you clicked. If you click the 'File Name-Description' once it will sort z-a, if you click it again it will sort a-z - the others work in a similar way. Have a play with them and you'll soon get the idea - you can't break anything by clicking them :sun:

look can't upload with webupload

You must have a character in your filename that the system can't handle - simply re-name the file and all should be well :sun:

I believe what dorukhan is saying is that the folders are not sorted alphabetically in "My Files".
The column headers only sort files, not folders.

Ahh I see - ok will get that looked at :sun:
The server is actually up and running now, but I believe there are some configuration issues to resolve first. When I know - you'll know :sun:

FTP getting connected but before Directory listing its getting timed cant upload

getting timed out after this

Command:    PORT 10,129,58,238,200,10
Response:    500 Illegal PORT command
Command:    PASV
Response:    227 Entering Passive Mode (50,7,242,66,223,39).
Command:    MLSD


Response:    227 Entering Passive Mode (50,7,242,66,223,39).
Command:    MLSD
Error:    Connection timed out
Error:    Failed to retrieve directory listing
cmon sharpfile uploading is restarting remote gets stuck or goes really slow slow premium speed slow speed for free users

tell your people to work faster or hire more
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