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i don't understand why are you using port 182 for downloads?? you forgot to change that part of xfs script? port 182 is associated with remote code execution. A malformed request to port 182 is known to cause denial of service attacks.
i don't understand why are you using port 182 for downloads?? you forgot to change that part of xfs script? port 182 is associated with remote code execution. A malformed request to port 182 is known to cause denial of service attacks.

good point mate lot of waste data being send to a site automatically leads to ddos attack bz in those attacks people delibrately sends waste pckets to a perticular site . I guess if its fixed may be so called attack be stopped though cant be 100 % sure tat its only the cause of attack
Just got an update from admin of Sharpfile, and he asked me to post here.

Upload and Download speeds and problems will be fixed in full before the weekend arrives. Many new servers are being added and will all be live and working before the weekend, including the dedicated servers for FTP and Torrents.

Admin Sharpfile has been online all day, everyday, working in the background with the coders and rest of the staff to get everything fixed.

They're working hard and promised to have everything fixed before the weekend arrives.

Payments are all still being sent within 24 hours, no delays.

Admin asks for just a little more patience because things ARE getting fixed and they are working hard.
i don't understand why are you using port 182 for downloads?? you forgot to change that part of xfs script? port 182 is associated with remote code execution. A malformed request to port 182 is known to cause denial of service attacks.

Port 182 was retained to make the migration easier - it was a concious decision, not an accident. Just to be clear - the only secure port is a closed port.
I guess if its fixed may be so called attack be stopped though cant be 100 % sure tat its only the cause of attack

in combination with malicious ads and popups that appear i think it poses a serious threat to the system.

i have seen the browser keeps loading elements long after the page has opened. it loads over 1000 elements causing your system to slow down and probably overload on their server too. same thing as with some of those fucking scam ptc sites.
that's why i suggested to remove popups and ads until they are able to detect and remove malicous ones
Thanks to one of our affiliates (you know who you are) who sent me very detailed info about this 'malicious' popup issue, we have been able to identify the culprit and block it completely. That issue is now 100% fixed.

@zoomg - I noticed you didn't quote the second part of my post :p lol
ok let's say you're managing to handle things one by one, but what is happening with files? a lot of them unavaliable, those that were deleted then restored back some were ok others unavailable. the worst thing is i can't dowload to check - my current vpn filters 182 port and my isp blocked your ip addresses so no go, else through proxy and they are usually too slow to just open a page not to mention download. i have a bad feeling i will need to re uplaod everything but if i try that remote upload won't work..

if you had that script that checks for corrupted files it would be good to make it just displays files that are unavaliable and finally set the filemanager to show 500 files per page
just got this message from my user

That host is fucking awful. I think it's a scam. After tons of popups and clickthroughs and misdirections, I never could download the file, I just got "Connection Reset" when I tried. You probably shouldn't use them.
What matters to users is whether files are easily accessible or not, and whether download speed is good or not. They have different priorities from uploaders. Whether a file host succeeds or not depends on how good the users perceive them to be. So don't be too quick to dismiss users' opinions even if they're not privy to what's going on behind the curtains. To add to that, these problems have been going on for a while too.
To add to that, these problems have been going on for a while too.

I'd just like to point out that these problems have been going on for about 4 weeks or so, and have been lessening all the time. I don't know if anyone remembers but it took a certain large host (who ripped a lot of people off !) the best part of a year to get anywhere near 100% (if they ever did). We are growing so fast it's crazy, but we are doing our best to stay ahead.
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