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  1. G - 50% Sale + 50 % Rebill Awesome payout methods

    Remote only 1 url at a time? Can't you make at least 5 please? 10 would be better but at least 5 would be fine
  2. G

    TsarFile does not pay and has been banned

    I have some problems with RU from FF with de1 server, only 1 file at a time, the rest say File download failed:500 Can't connect to (Bad hostname '') It's really slow, de2 server works fine and it's faster Also, the button for select all files in the...
  3. G

    TsarFile does not pay and has been banned

    How could we use the premium codes?
  4. G discussion thread

    What about RU from other hosts? Will be fixed before this weekend?
  5. G discussion thread

    I hope you fix RU from FF and other hosts soon, I really like Sharpfile :)
  6. G discussion thread

    Could you fix remote upload from Filefactory? Before the new script worked great, now it doesn't work :(