Hey Sharpfile, that message of "You have exceeded your Daily Limit is appearing" again after downloading a single file of 150 MB.
Maybe that's the reason why stats are falling.....
ya same here tht problem not been solved yet it keeps coming and tats why i have mine stats also goin low from a day or so
sharpfile pls solve this problem permanently
Confirming the download Volume limit counter is not working.. its restricting one download per ip for 24 hours... no matter wht the size is...
Plz stop the counter mk it unlimited agn untill its fixed plz....
Plz do not enable volume limit untill its fixed and tested on ur end. coz 50 users already asked me not to upload to ur host as they cannot download simple.. 200-300mb files most time...
I know ur working hard on fixes and always appreciate ur effort for us..Its a req plz dnt enable it until its fixed for good
And lastly plz restart golf server
Hey, Sharpfile. Please answer this question truthfully
"Have you reduced the pay-per-download rate without notifying us ??"
I may be wrong but i did a small test to check if you were paying us correctly or not and the results were shocking.
First of all, i want to say Sorry to you because I have downloaded some files from my account myself to test this. So please DONN"T BAN me for this reason, as i was just performing a test.
Now I am from India and my country falls in group C. And below is the rate per 1000 download which you pay to uploaders.
10-100MB 101-250MB 251-500MB 501-1000MB 1GB+
C $ 1.00 $ 2.00 $ 5.00 $ 7.00 $ 9.00
Now when I downloaded a 150 MB file. I was paid $0.002 for it, which is correct BUT i remember when i joined your filehost on 11th August. I uploaded a 105 MB file and downloaded it myself to check, what rate you were paying and at that time. I was paid with $0.009 for that 105 MB file.
And next when i downloaded a 251 MB file. I was again paid with $0.002 ONLY. As per the above table, I should have been paid with $0.005. So why i got less ??
Although i want to inform you that your system is counting every download properly BUT is not paying for the downloads at OLD rates. Yesterday i got about 429 downloads and earned $2.69 from them and today i have got 15 downloads and earned just $0.02. I remember, yesterday i was earning almost a cent ($0.01) per download and today i am earning 2 cents for 15 downloads!!
I think that's why me and other people are complaining about low stats today.
I am not saying that you have reduced the Pay-per-download rate intentionally. It may have happened because of some error or bug but i just want to report this error(if it is) to you. So if it is an error you can fix it fast.
Also the problem of "You have exceeded your Daily Limit is appearing" is responsible for the fall in the Stats.
So I want you to check into these TWO problems ASAP as they are adversely affecting the stats of PPD users.
Your host used to be BEST among PPD users as you were paying us about 3 to 4 times more than what we earn on other filehosts and you were the only one who is sending payments in 24 hours but the error in or low pay-per-download rate might affect your host image seriously. I am not posting all this because I want to harm your host image. Even i am a fan of your host and i migrated from bitshare to you when people were praising about you and i said i was very happy with you on the first day as you were paying us very well but today, we are not even earning about 50% of what we used to earn earlier.
Most TERRIBLE are the Stats today..........:facepalm:Upload is terrible this day! :facepalm: