Shared - Offshore Shared Hosting 50% Off

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can't believe it
my site is suspended

i have alot trouble with your hosting.
i really want to cancel it

Post That To Client Area (Make A ticket About That)
your mes "Your Hosting is being suspended by the server automatically because of overuse of server resource."

i can't believe it??? overuse of server resource cos a small forum with 48 members and 1000 post ???
unfair scammers

this is my experience with this host, before even signing up with them i made sure that i'm going to have a private image hosting for my video posts screenshots and he agreed without exception, i have been with them 3 months now and out of the sudden i got my account suspended, when i contacted him he said that my site is causing high server load and they changed their rule to automaticly suspend any account that reaches 20% of CPU usage, that i did accept and understand and i kindly asked him to provide me with a way to monitor how much CPU my sites are using to avoid suspension but he never did so i was forced to upguard to a vps which what he wanted from the begging, after he knew of my limited knowledge with dealing with hostings and setups; he didn't offer any kind of help to set-up the unmanaged vps after trouble he caused me and breaking his own word to allow image hosting even when i asked him if they do have a free control panel he kept silent to make me go for a managed vps and take full advantage of me and when i knew they have a free panel for the unmanaged vps and he didn't say anything about it i realised that he was just blackmailing me to get the best of it..i disabled the image hosting script that he says it's causing the high load to keep my main site running but he still suspended my account the whole day which assured me that there is no automatic highload script detector and he is doing this manually whenever he likes to force me go for the vps...

i wouldn't recommend dealing with such a moody host at all, bad experience (n)

We provided You the proof that the blog and image hosting where using too much of the CPU resource .

I never begged you to upgrade . i suggested you to do that , Also told that Its your wish to upgrade or no .

The Company Main heads decided to remove the image hosting on shared hosting servers which literally took more resource above our anticipation . So we had to remove that service from shared hosting . I personally explained you regarding that issue.

I Mentioned you that unmanaged VPS comes with OS and free control panel setup , Rest all basic configuration & Security updates need to be done by client himself .

As you mentioned in MSN chat that you will be leaving our service and taking your backup i activated your hosting , also mentioned it will be suspended back after you have taken backup.

By the time it was our working hours over . so we had to comeback next day and do what we had said . you could have contacted the support team saying that you wanted to stay with our service and you have removed the image hosting script .

We would be happy to enable the service without any problem .

It would be pointless to make the reply here ,if you had contacted the support team.

Note: I don't want other hosting providers come and start poking their head here . We are here to solve our clients issues .

If i`am being rude to you guys . Accept my humble apology.

Thank you.

SarkarRaj - ScopeHosts
Ok folks I need to stick my 2 cents in here. I got a shared hosting account with them and it was pretty good. Speed wasn't great but was bearable. I then saw my needs possibly growing beyond a shared account and the vps was the next solution. I have had nothing but great support and help from the staff. I feel that they make suggestions and advise me for my needs and not there's.

I don't see them trying to blackmail anyone or try to sell them something they don't need. Getting on a VPS is the best way to manage a bandwidth intensive site. I had the feeling as my site grows and the traffic picks up that a VPS would be the best solution.

Overall am very pleased with them and have moved all my hostgator accounts over to my vps.
@snowmanrene before u try to be smart and ask me about exact meanings of words think twice of ur signature because it makes u look like a thief with dignity, i know for a fact that u have been asked to defend ur hosting because i have been asked to do that too before, the proof is a post of me few pages back in this thread when i was convinced this is a good hosting so guys please keep it mature. the last thing i want is to go flaming hostings around and posting negative reviews because i have better things to do but after the unfair treatment i got from this hosting i found my self obliged to speak in public.

SarKarRaj i believe i asked you to show me how to monitor my resource usage but you never did you vaguely mentioned something about an admin control but you didn't give any more details, also it's clear now that you lied about the automatic highload detector and you're doing in it all manually when you feel like it because yesterday i have been closely monitoring my site statistics which hardly had 300 visitors in 03/02/2010 but still my account was suspended almost all day, this is a screenshot of the main site you claim it's causing the the high load and i can provide team view access to my google analytic account if you think it's fake

I mean what kind of server is that that can't handle 300 visitors in 24 hours unless it's some pentium 3 from the stone age, it's not my fault that you have weak servers so you go suspending my account whenever you like, i repeat, i'm not hosting a public image hosting, it's just a private hosting for my screenshots that never went above 3k visitors and i'm still wondering why didn't your automatic detector unsuspend my account after i disabled the whole image hosting, or is it now my wp blog that doesn't even hit 100 visitor is the one causing high cpu usage and got my account still suspended??
@snowmanrene before u try to be smart and ask me about exact meanings of words think twice of ur signature because it makes u look like a thief with dignity, i know for a fact that u have been asked to defend ur hosting because i have been asked to do that too before, the proof is a post of me few pages back in this thread when i was convinced this is a good hosting so guys please keep it mature. the last thing i want is to go flaming hostings around and posting negative reviews because i have better things to do but after the unfair treatment i got from this hosting i found my self obliged to speak in public.

LOL snow doesn't own scopehosts and if you read my comment you will see i said i haven't had any trouble to in fact the server im on has been up over 20 days and that was because i rebooted it myself

@SarKarRaj i believe i asked you to show me how to monitor my resource usage but you never did you vaguely mentioned something about an admin control but you didn't give any more details, also it's clear now that you lied about the automatic highload detector and you're doing in it all manually when you feel like it because yesterday i have been closely monitoring my site statistics which hardly had 300 visitors in 03/02/2010 but still my account was suspended almost all day, this is a screenshot of the main site you claim it's causing the the high load and i can provide team view access to my google analytic account if you think it's fake

I mean what kind of server is that that can't handle 300 visitors in 24 hours unless it's some pentium 3 from the stone age, it's not my fault that you have weak servers so you go suspending my account whenever you like, i repeat, i'm not hosting a public image hosting, it's just a private hosting for my screenshots that never went above 3k visitors and i'm still wondering why didn't your automatic detector unsuspend my account after i disabled the whole image hosting, or is it now my wp blog that doesn't even hit 100 visitor is the one causing high cpu usage and got my account still suspended??

just load cpanel direct admin or whatever the server has stats will be in there :| and they have powerful servers lol pretty sure they have 8 gig ram per server :| and the script can't unsuspend only suspend unsuspending has to be done manually if im correct im not a host so idk and if you have a problem take it up with there support posting here will mean it takes them longer to sort anyway im to tired to type more good luck :P

LOL snow doesn't own scopehosts and if you read my comment you will see i said i haven't had any trouble to in fact the server im on has been up over 20 days and that was because i rebooted it myself

just load cpanel direct admin or whatever the server has stats will be in there :| and they have powerful servers lol pretty sure they have 8 gig ram per server :| and the script can't unsuspend only suspend unsuspending has to be done manually if im correct im not a host so idk and if you have a problem take it up with there support posting here will mean it takes them longer to sort anyway im to tired to type more good luck :P

you are correct. a script would not be able to unsuspend, since a website is not running when it is suspending =P

But about them even having scripts that automatically suspend =/ i doubt they do.
but who knwos they might
SarKarRaj i believe i asked you to show me how to monitor my resource usage but you never did you vaguely mentioned something about an admin control but you didn't give any more details, also it's clear now that you lied about the automatic highload detector and you're doing in it all manually when you feel like it because yesterday i have been closely monitoring my site statistics which hardly had 300 visitors in 03/02/2010 but still my account was suspended almost all day, this is a screenshot of the main site you claim it's causing the the high load and i can provide team view access to my google analytic account if you think it's fake

I mean what kind of server is that that can't handle 300 visitors in 24 hours unless it's some pentium 3 from the stone age, it's not my fault that you have weak servers so you go suspending my account whenever you like, i repeat, i'm not hosting a public image hosting, it's just a private hosting for my screenshots that never went above 3k visitors and i'm still wondering why didn't your automatic detector unsuspend my account after i disabled the whole image hosting, or is it now my wp blog that doesn't even hit 100 visitor is the one causing high cpu usage and got my account still suspended??

We have our own Script Created for the cpanel/WHM to monitor the CPU usage . I never mentioned you are having high traffic on the website thats causing the heavy resource usage . Only mentioned that Your image hosting script is using too much of the resource . Before this suspension issue came . I had also mentioned you regarding the new rules being applied next week for Image hosting on shared hosting services .

High traffic is not only alone reason a site uses high CPU resource . still there are many reasons when a certain site will cause the high CPU usage.

There are clients website where they get 3k + visitors on our shared hosting services . Non of their scripts or softwares giving any sort of load.

Even i have mentioned it to other image hosting clients also . They know the reason why it was implied they easily understood it and moved their image hosting to the providers who were allowing image hosting on shared hosting servers keeping the main website with us , some of them took our suggestion and upgraded their services to VPS .

If you had just opened a ticket and said i have stopped my image hosting site . we would have unsuspended the hosting .

Simply posting in sales thread wont solve any issue , you can contact us through ticket system . I personally will be available almost 16hours per day on MSN to provide support.

Thank you.

SarkarRaj - ScopeHosts
If you guys give this type of comments to SarkarRaj then u do not know what you are doing did u know SarkarRaj Having good Support at any time you want and i do not know why you guys are doing like this and before you go for image hosting site u need to know that what you are doing think your self first did a shared host is usefull to use high resources
I wasn't trying to be smart, I was simply asking a rhetorical question. And secondly, I wasn't asked to defend "my" hosting this time. I was browsing the topics, saw your reply and was amazed at your comment. See I didn't say anything about anything else that you said. It's only the blackmail comment that caught me eye. Maybe I should have put a "lol" at the end of my comment, you may have interpreted it different.

I'm not trying to start flame war either.
But when you start to comment about people's sigs and call them thieves........, that is adding food to the fire. So before your hypocrisy starts a war here, I will take my leave.

"LOL" (hope you can understand the sarcasm here)
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