Remote-RDP.CO - Dual Xeon E5620, 32GB Ram, Encoding, 1Gbps RDAs from $15month (NL/EU)

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my Due Date was 07.09.12, but on 06.09.12. around 10h earlier they canceled my acc.
I tried to pay, but PayPal was no longer an option, anyway I succeeded to transfer money
2 webmoney and pay before 07.09.12. I got an answer two days later that they saw the payment,
and then I waited another two days 2 setup acc. Finaly after 4-5 days i have my RDP back
but with new drive and all my back files deleted. Funny but my next due date is 07.10.12.
I Accept part of the blame, and I'm supposed to pay earlier but with no paypal....
Chaitan is great pearson and i wish him all the best, but support is 0. He needs a good stuff
2 run this business. There is no excuse like : " Sorry for the delay response as i was away from my laptop from past 2days."
And yes i have same problem like "admxternal" with BAD speeds.
Chaitan, find more time for this job or find people who will do it instead of you.
Tnx 4 your time Mate !!

Yes your Bussines is Online, So why you Say "Sorry for the delay response as i was away from my laptop from past 2days."

i have requested refund. So CashBACK my MOONEYYYYYY!!!


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after logging in i get only a black screen, i tried more times but same. This happened not first time today but it happens everyday. Then after waiting some minutes it works normally. What cause this problem?
yeah me too. Ftp and zoom uploading are slow as hell. They said they will reply any ticket in 8 hours maximum but i have been waiting for days now. Nothing from them. Nothing.
why the upload speed at my rdp is very slow today (36 kb /s ) :@ in the past few days the speed of upload was more then (6 mb /s) ????? any one here have the same problem?
My internet connection is faster then this RDP. Where is owner, on vacation? He doesn't respond on open support tickets. What will he do if all his customers request refund? Maybe he wil be forced to return from vacation? :)
Good Evening,

I apologize for the inconvenience, as just back from vacation. I just contacted the dc about speed issue i can assure the download/upload speeds will return normal in next 24hrs.

All tickets will be replied once the issues are fixed.
Good to see you But when Others RDP speed is up to 100+MB But your speed 3+ MB normally .why??? what is the problem??

---------- Post added at 07:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:24 PM ----------

I hope this will be resolved in the next few hours, i ask for 3 day extension, otherwise I want a refund. I'm losing money every hour, and my nerves...This is just a job, nothing personal !!
yea But i paid him by payza. i used it about 5 month now it is sucking about all also support are sucking...
Good Morning,

We have changing that speed issue server to a new server, we have ordered a brand new server all the users will get their new login information in next 48hrs and compensation will be added to your account.

We have send a mass email please check that for more information, please bear with us so we can resolve this issue asap.
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