Rapidgator Discussion thread

yeah thats our theory, if your file is deleted, you lose rebill from that file.

This is not theory, this is true. If you sold account and this file with someone buy it was delete we not give anythink when this person renew his account. This is not fair, it is obviously that most of account was make at unigue file who are very fast delete.
reading all the bad news about forums and copy link function shit, i feel lucky to have my own site. first of all noone can ban me, lol, and even if some people copy my links and post somewhere else, my visitors dont know about that and they just keep coming to me to download and buy (actually last week was my best week ever).

but this is only good for a short period, because if RG has lower income in global, only big shavings will compensate their loss. and that will bring very dark future to everyone.

py link function.

true story, foruns onwers are banning who have good sales.

about rebills, just because someone buy a premiun have 30 days doesn't mean he will renew his account.... so chill
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I think they raised their prices because previously allowed ru RG-RG. I think if they ban it, it will bring down prices. Many people say they will be banned in the major forums for RU, but if so why are they not banned yet depositfiles. :)
I think I know what mistake I made, despite my decision not to say anything if I have good stats, I did and posted here that my rebills are working fine, and like before, RG decided to f*ck my stats again, haven't received a single rebill after posting that message and I was getting great rebills, on this day of the previous month I made 4 sales and got 4 rebills, now 0 sales and 0 rebills, I don't know if I am paranoid or what, but every time I praise RG for good sales or rebills, my stats are f*cked. Its as if RG don't want to be praised, so when they see me talking good about them they say "oh that guy is getting good sales and rebills,let's do something about him"...and there goes my good stats.
It's also now 100% confirmed that the different groups theory is not just a theory, its a fact. This friday and saturday were the best for me and I could see some people complaining on these days, now my sales have hit a new low and those persons are saying that sales are coming back to normal.
So if anybody from RG reading this, your system is really f*cked up, you don't count all sales everyday and rebills are not working. There, I said the negative things about you which you like to hear. Now fix my stats please ;)
3 day ,,,
Sales: 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rebill :6
what's happend for sales??

Let me explain .. Rg made all links public. and some of The poor uploaders who doesnt have money to buy rdp to upload they stole the links you shared and started to make money with your own work. Uploader lost the money , But Rg... Rg won this game.. against to uploaders and to the other filehosts.... means Rg is winner.... I warned you guys here 1 month ago...

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