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  1. B

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    One question. How old are you ? :cough:
  2. B

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    This is probably my last day work with rg. I can stand how they steal me. Sales are down almost to zero with very good level rebils are gone. I see no sens work with this people.
  3. B

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    This is not theory, this is true. If you sold account and this file with someone buy it was delete we not give anythink when this person renew his account. This is not fair, it is obviously that most of account was make at unigue file who are very fast delete.
  4. B

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    In last three month i have only 1 day with zero. In this week that will by 3 day if nothink change in rest of the day. WTF
  5. B

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    Many sales are delay month or longer. I also get sales with file who i uploud and sent month or later.
  6. B

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    Today again poor stats ( 1 sales ), rebils are gone for my by 4 days. I hope that will be not over today.
  7. B

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    Rebils disapear saddenly, i dont know why ... one minute later i have got one rebil lol
  8. B

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    sales and rebils frozen by 2 days
  9. B

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    Sales are good but i see big problem with number of download new files who i uploud today and send. Almost all zero.
  10. B

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    Ban them all !!!
  11. B

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    Maybe your account was blocked by rg
  12. B

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    4 ddl in last 9 hours. It should be 300 minimum.
  13. B

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    No single download since 5 hours.
  14. B

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

  15. B

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    Stats totaly frozen. Downloands and sales.
  16. B

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    3 sales and 2 rebils. The last file uploud by me at rg was 30 january - 22 days ago. This is amazing
  17. B

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    I think it is no metter what he uploud, if you reup at the same account delete files you must be count with ban account. Few days ago imagetwist blocked my account for somethink like this.
  18. B

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    David are you get back your account or it is a totaly end ?
  19. B

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    Stats freze, rebils gone with day when they repair rebils column, ddl counter also freeze. They know when start shaving. Of course when weekend is close big steps.
  20. B

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    Is anybody got sales today ?