Rapidgator Discussion thread

I have got 1 rebil now. DDL still frozen. But this is one big s... when i compare my stats with all november, december, and 2 first week of junuary with actually situation my earnings.
2 sales so far, but its ok, weekdays are always worse and i usually get 50-70% of my sales in the last few hours of the days. (3 and a half hours still left of the day)

Edit: 3 sales
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Same situation. No Dls.
And last week no sales. Many weeks before I had everyday 2-4 sales...
But rebills I have everyday 2-3...

Somebody said this is bad group, and some people have regular sales. WTF? and what we need to do?
the " bad group" was ment as joke when we first time mentoined here but im starting to believe in that more and more.

what to do? i think we´r powerless.ticket support tells that there are no problems from their side.but there is a huge problem as seen everyday more people starting to share their sales problems.its not about that people dont want to buy because we see that sales are working for few people here.

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