FTP problem.Zoom uploader problem...
How do I upload.?
I just talked with our support team and they said that they were having a few issues with FTP over the weekend and it should now be up and running.
clouse with magic
All options should now be working.
Stephen, How I can see deleted files?
If at anytime we delete your files a list of the links will be sent to the email that you used to register on our service with.
All methods should now be updated.
dude .. did u remove webmoney as payment method its was there yesterday and today is not !!
Webmoney has been added again. For some reason there was an error in our system and the option was removed.

i requested webmoney yesterday
and now i see it is paypal
that bad, will i get pay by webmoney or have to cancel and request again ?
I got your PM and sent you a response. Your payment method is showing as Webmoney.
what happened with the moneybookers payment?
We do not offer payment by moneybookers.
FTP still does not work.Zoom uploader still does not work...
How do I upload.? i am angry
FTP should now be working for files up to 2GB.
Zoom is working. Search clouse.
Jdownloader problem solved?
If you are receiving errors using OTEUpload and Jdownloader please use this tutorial on fixing any errors. If there are other errors that you are receiving please contact our support team at
support@oteupload.com and they will forward your issue to Jdownloader as we can only send them issues and not fix the issues.
Follow this link:
its been verry long I guess they are at holiday or something
Sorry, there was an issue with FTP it should now be up and fully working.
plz boss add LR also
We have been trying to add Liberty Reserve but they have had a slow response time. After evaluation we have decided that they were not a viable option for our service.
maaaaaaaaaan, when will FTP be fixed?
Should be up and running now.
guys zoom uploader working perfect. You can use zoom
All options should now be up and running.
Sky_Walker not for everyone.. for some people zoom work for some people(like me and others) not working

don`t know why..
Send an e-mail to
support@oteupload.com and they can help you with your problem more directly.
Why missing payments WebMoney? When it come back? In my country, I can not receive payment for other payment systems from your list. Please return Webmoney! Even if there is a small fee if you have to pay through an intermediary, but this payment system needs a lot of webmasters!
The WebMoney option should now be back I think we had a small bug in our system that removed it as an option.
According to our development team OTEUpload's new updates should be ready for release in the New Year as according to plan. We are not sure of the actual time they will go live yet but they are almost fully completed to be implemented on our site. Your files will not go anywhere. However if there are bugs we are more than happy for our users to report them here.
Thanks guys have a happy New Years!