Oron.com offers you a great opportunity to earn money!

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Dear ORON User,

At this moment we are having some difficulties accepting payments via PayPal.

Please try to select another form of payment to pay for your account.


but they don't answer the question: when?
To the ones who are bitching around, first of all working with oron is not a right , it is a priviliege and also a great oppurtnty to make money . Either current situation is bad or not, you wil wait for no matter how much time it takes because oron.com pays you a lot. Then please stfu and stop asking wtf is going on, you are loosing some hundred bucks, they are loosing milions.
Along came Oron's attorney...

Let's not forget who actually gets them that money, shall we? If it hadn't been for affiliates, no host would be able to survive.
Those who are cursing Oron..please dont participate in the thread...this thread is not for Oron haters..and why they curse...coz they were failures...could not produce a penny..and rest all are achievers and love oron...so those who dont like oron and in a minority...find some other place for bitching
*sigh* this is not about paypal not working. this is about saying that there is nothing to worry about and everything will be back to normal in a couple of hours; if you can manage to get an answer at all. and almost two days later nothing has changed.

on their website they came with some blabla about security updates on their side, which i doubt is true.

and anyway, their support is just unprofessional. of course i don't expect them to disclose all the information. but some info at least would be nice (and not just to a few selected people on icq or some shit)

and about the privelege thing all i can say is:
don't bite the hand that's feeding you. i will be just fine without oron. but how will oron do without people uploading? not so great, i would imagine.
Oron is a great opportunity yes, but not really a privilege as there are plenty of other options. Overall I'm happy with Oron but I can't wait forever. I also have a time limit after that I'll start post on another host. Not because I want to, I rather see Oron back to normal, but I also need to make money.
pinkside stop failing oron reseller paypal program is working just fine and you can buy premium smoothly. They are not losing a cent, any one who wants a premium will buy it there and oron gets 100%.
As for bitching, this is oron official topic and all we have is a guy who is uploading for them not owner,not some one from technical group, just some one who knows oron people.
And he is debriefing us,that is just sad.
I think we deserve explanation from REAL oron, not full detailed but brief summary what is going one i think we got that right and without all that "all we be fine soon","don't worry" ... If you dont know when you will fix these problems just say it, i think at least we deserve that.
Little unprofessional i agree...but there is no real update because...Oron is just waiting for Paypal to unblock the account...There is nothing else they can say...How can we expect the internal details to be disclosed here?
well something like: "there have been issues with paypal and we are waiting for a response to resolve it." and not something like: "we are upgrading our payment methods to improve the security and usability of the site". cause it is most likely, uuuh, not true!
All those who work with Oron, have to be patient and wait with dignity, because we believe in the power Oron. And those who flee like rats from a ship, go away:)
the problem is paypal limited oron's account
oron has to unblock pp account
but it takes time
and saturday and sunday coming
they have to solve problem 2day
otherwise there will be a huge loss
Oron is a great opportunity yes, but not really a privilege as there are plenty of other options. Overall I'm happy with Oron but I can't wait forever. I also have a time limit after that I'll start post on another host. Not because I want to, I rather see Oron back to normal, but I also need to make money.

agree with u my limit till next week..
but which i will use another host i dont know
cause oron is the best
I have good expirience with Oron, but this situation is real trap for affiliates.
PP issues is joke - Oron have a huge income from resellers and seems they don't want to share their rebills with affiliates.
That's all.
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