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@ Dantura..Selling of accounts is not easy right now with the unavailability of Gaypal..and keeping 100% level depends on many factors..

yes but do you know those factors? i asked oron staff to and they said it depends only on accounts sold.

Added after 8 minutes:

and what happens with my files if i can not renew my oron account through paypal? i have roughly 4000 files
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I had talked to Oron support too...But its the no of downloads..no of files in ur acc no of sales/renewals.....many things they consider...so honestly...they must be knowing...but they wont disclose it..because all hosts want the pps mode for affiliates
it appears the oron support is only as good as stated in the first post when they can advice people to use their pps plan.

this thread is a joke for a support thread. it is more like "help yourself" in here.
i sent an email yesterday still i am waiting for reply :S
i sent many emails to them months before for another things they all the time repiled to me, this is the first time they dont replied.
i have doubts now...
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