Oron.com offers you a great opportunity to earn money!

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thank you for your reply gyus :) but I have another question...Someone download all my links, unrar them and start posting and file with screen have still same name and even pictures is created by me (unfortunately without nickname). Can I do something with it? Thank you
Nope, welcome to filesharing. This is normal.

are you sure ?
continusly breaking this rule result BAN in ORON .
You can not steal other's post from other ORON uploaders .

thank you for your reply gyus :) but I have another question...Someone download all my links, unrar them and start posting and file with screen have still same name and even pictures is created by me (unfortunately without nickname). Can I do something with it? Thank you

Pm any moderator with the links of Stealer's post and your Original Post. They will solve that immediatly.
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pinkside: Can you explain me why if you are premium you can use the feature to add other 'public files' to your account without downloading?
I asked Oron if I can earn with these added files and the answer was:
Of course if you post your unique links to those files somewhere..

So public files have 2 parts:
1. Good part - more easy to find via search engines - so more dl and sales
2. Bad Part -anybody can add these files to their account with just 1 click, without dl and ul

So don't see a reason to Oron ban these users because this feature (add file) help this thing... Oron earn space with this feature...same file it's uploaded only 1 time, and used my 10-100 users for example, but with different link..

printscr18 : The guy can find easy any screenshots, or covers for your material...probably 99% of uploaders download others uploaders material ..including me..But I works to my posts to be unique and atractive..

pinkside: Can you explain me why if you are premium you can use the feature to add other 'public files' to your account without downloading?
I asked Oron if I can earn with these added files and the answer was:
Of course if you post your unique links to those files somewhere..

So public files have 2 parts:
1. Good part - more easy to find via search engines - so more dl and sales
2. Bad Part -anybody can add these files to their account with just 1 click, without dl and ul

So don't see a reason to Oron ban these users because this feature (add file) help this thing... Oron earn space with this feature...same file it's uploaded only 1 time, and used my 10-100 users for example, but with different link..


dude, dont be funny , Im not talking about downloading other's post,,,
Noone expects you to make another porn with yourself at your house.It is not about sharing the SAME files lol ..
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Where can I find the html code for oron banners ??

Just use html syntax. If you don't know how send me link to banner and your link via PM and I will give you the code.

Added after 23 minutes:

are you sure ?
continusly breaking this rule result BAN in ORON .
You can not steal other's post from other ORON uploaders .

10 minutes ago I extended my oron premium account and asked support if this is true.
They say it isn't.
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Where can I find the html code for oron banners ??

<a href="Put your referral or premium link here" target=_blank><img src="and here put the banner" border="0"></a>

<a href="http://oron.com/premium******.html" target=_blank><img src="http://static.oron.com/img/banners/2_oron_468_60.gif" border="0"></a>
How long does it take oron support to contact you,my account has been hacked and someone has requested payment with alertpay and i dont have a alertpay account,Sent them an email this morning and got nothing yet,the upshot is the payment has not gone through yet and hoping it takes them days to pay so i can resolve this matter,am getting worried i might lose my hard earned cash because sometime oron pays straight away sometimes they dont,also my password was really hard to crack and it seems so easy for people if they get in your account to change the payment details even though i have used the same email address for months when requesting payment,there should be some prevention for you to authorise that you are the owner of an oron account when changing payment details.Is there any other way of contacting oron apart from email support or contact form.
Just use html syntax. If you don't know how send me link to banner and your link via PM and I will give you the code.

Added after 23 minutes:

10 minutes ago I extended my oron premium account and asked support if this is true.
They say it isn't.

you can try yourself.
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