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  1. S - Official Support Thread

    Error This file downloading are located on server maintenance. Please try again after few hours.
  2. S - Official Support Thread

    Please activate my affiliate program user sourov07
  3. S

    Ryushare Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Ryushare here.

    what was ur amount? i guess they are paying according to date and amount...
  4. S

    Extabit discussion thread - Do not create another one!

    remove your screenshot or else extabit will lose it again.
  5. S

    Ryushare Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Ryushare here.

    I guess everyone who's payment was due up to 13-11-2012 is paid...
  6. S

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    well i am getting sales on daily bases even more then on rg.....
  7. S

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    extabit the best for me...
  8. S

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    shit got account hijacked :(
  9. S File Hosting

    I think im having problem why my earned money isnt locking? last friday also it didnt look even though i have more then 50 and wmz??? can anyone help.
  10. S

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    That was the most stupidest thing anyone can do... well done rookies.. what will be your next move? COME ON who will register to download???
  11. S - Official Support Thread

    Sir is there any free user limit of the number of downloads/day?
  12. S - Official Support Thread

    Please activate aff for me my id is 89694
  13. S

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    Big time shaving sales...
  14. S

    Ryushare - File Cloud Storage

    im having 553 downloads and counting and zero sale and this is going on since a week now... most of my traffic are from us and europe
  15. S

    Ryushare - File Cloud Storage

    its getting harder and harder to generate sales with such easy restrictions... plz put some rules in place...
  16. S

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    hey Richard where do u upload now? because pr5 doesn't counts now a days...