Oron.com offers you a great opportunity to earn money!

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I started with Oron more than 1 week ago...Today I got first sale...I'm so lucky =)


Added after 33 minutes:

First of all to increase account level you need sales..
1.I see you are on PPS mode..so better swich to PPS mode..
2. Next you must work to upload and promote your links better..
3. Where to post? You can find on WJ many forum/blog lists where to post (just use search)
4. What to post? This is everybody secret..try and try until you will find which content will get you sells.
And the most important..it's about luck.. you can have 30 DL and 3 sales..and 1000 DL and 0 sales..

Good luck ;)

Hi guys,
i'm pretty new to this stuff and wonderd if you could give me some usefull tips to improve my downloads. i'm no webmaster just posting in forums. could you help me to increase my account level, because its 5% at the moment in my first 3 days i got
2011-06-04 32 / 12 $0.0480
2011-06-05 104 / 150 $0.1560
2011-06-06 93 / 74 $0.1395

as you can see its not that much ^^

thanks in advance
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Anybody use Add File feature? I understand if you are premium you can add any public file to your files, generate download links and promote..without need to DL and upload these files..
If yes..you will earn from these links added to your account ?
Hi, I need advice. I bought premium account throught "Upgrade account" at 23:24:25 PDT (That's at oron 8:24:25)

and at 8:23:06 I sold premium account.


I'm writing here because I'm scared that they could ban me. They could say that I bough it throught my file but I didnt. May I should do something?
printscr18 I upgraded yesterday with my earnings and cost me 6$ only (50% diescount:). BUt if your earnings are less than 6$,,you can't upgrade with this discount of course..
Just email Oron..and I don't see any problem..
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