Oron.com offers you a great opportunity to earn money!

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Can anyone tell me whats the difference between renewal and rebill ????

Rebill -> new user buys premium from your link and when premium is extended automaticly via subscription you get rebill money.

Renewal -> user already had premium (not from you) but expired and he didn't automaticaly extended it. He comes acros your file and buys premium again. You get renewal money.

ORON is good only for PPS, stop bitching. If you are into PPD go to other filehost.
that is acceptable !!

how many sales u got ???

I think oron is dead...do not correspond to nothing !!

Since 20th this is what I've got

2011-06-01 05:27:29 $13.13
2011-05-31 15:17:20 $13.13
2011-05-31 13:52:53 $13.13
2011-05-30 08:11:22 $13.13
2011-05-28 19:38:03 $13.13
2011-05-27 21:50:46 $9.95
2011-05-25 18:39:32 $12.93
2011-05-22 16:25:01 $9.95
2011-05-20 19:55:06 $12.93
2011-05-20 19:16:19 $12.93
2011-05-20 13:33:22 $12.93

I think they're simply lazy (or don't even care). But they do pay fast
Hey guys,

I know why we get less sales than in the past.This is coz now people can't buy premium with paypal balance it's possible only with credit card.. :(
Rebill -> new user buys premium from your link and when premium is extended automaticly via subscription you get rebill money.

Renewal -> user already had premium (not from you) but expired and he didn't automaticaly extended it. He comes acros your file and buys premium again. You get renewal money.

ORON is good only for PPS, stop bitching. If you are into PPD go to other filehost.

Then this should be counted as a sale in my opnion not as a rebill price.
Oreon is very good because they count Rebills, but in other host if user had a premium that expired and then buy a new premium from one of our file, it is counted as a sale and thats legit.
This is a little trick from Oron.
What does rebill exactly mean?

For example:
Premium expires on 1st june but the member doesn't renew its account on that day. He renews it 1 month later (with same e-mail, same paypal, same everything). Is is a sale or rebill?

Mustafa: thank you!

Hello! could you please rephrase your question?

I can give you some 100% authentic and authorized screenshot of some successful webmaster and his daily earnings.
And of course I will NEVER EVER give you any details about our partners for privacy reasons. Please try to ask partners yourself if they might allow you to see their stats.

So here you can see that it is easily possible to earn more than 500$ a day. We have quite a lot webmasters in this category to be honest.

is it volldo.com earning?
Oreon is very good because they count Rebills, but in other host if user had a premium that expired and then buy a new premium from one of our file, it is counted as a sale and thats legit.
This is a little trick from Oron.

Are you sure it is counted as sale at other host?

I think other filehoster wouldn't pay anything if the premium member automatically renew his premium account.

It would be nice if somebody could explain this sure.
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How much % does Oron pay for referrals if I'm on PPS plan?
And where can I see my successful referrals?

Added after 11 minutes:

Those two big spikes was so high because of two lifetime sales


How could your users buy lifetime?:O Is there any lifetime option?
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How much % does Oron pay for referrals if I'm on PPS plan?
And where can I see my successful referrals?

Added after 11 minutes:


How could your users buy lifetime?:O Is there any lifetime option?

There was. But it was limited, was only 100 lifetimes for sale.

since 31.05 my earning are terrbile... =/
Are you sure it is counted as sale at other host?

I think other filehoster wouldn't pay anything if the premium member automatically renew his premium account.

It would be nice if somebody could explain this sure.

Rebills is when the premium automatically renew when it expires no problem with that, this is ok.

But Renewal , it is when someone had a premium that has already expired, so he is now a free user, and then he buy a premium with the same account from of our file.
This should be counted as a sale and we should get paid 70% instead of 30% like a rebills !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (for those who choose this plan of course).

With other host, this so called "renewal" are counted as a normal sale.
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