[official] Netload.in Thread

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NLMIKE wont reply to anyone >> as he is CAUGHT BY FBI ...

That what you are telling us is very delicate can you proof it, other wise you are another frustrated user with the pps program.
P.S. I Always Be Careful.

Added after 26 minutes:

10 working days or 10 days mate, coz mine has past 14 days already yet still no payment :facepalm: since the 26th of March

The last one I did ask them on 21.03.2012 and go it on my Paypal Account on 30.03.2012 (9 days after)
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2mbps with a giga server :facepalm: great changes netload =)

and 6 days and a fuc...sale, time to work in my own forum B-)

You do not need a forum, A blog is better, all the attention to your posts. a forum is ok, if you have tons of friends to invite them. I think so.
Before yestardya I got 3 sales, but yesterday and today 0
Average I got 1.5 Sales per day, and my blog has low traffic,B-) I am working to expand the numbers of visits.:)

have they skype?

2 day ago I sent them e-mail but not ansver ((

Netload support Team ICQ: 747-034
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