[Official] DDL0.com Whitelisting & Re-Rating (Apply Here)

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I can only open ddl0 via proxy. at home i have dynamic ip adress but i can't open ddl0.com

before 12 hoours i opened from home but not now 9i already cleared cookies and changed ip adress but still can't open from home
^ According to our records, your site has not reached a rating higher than 2*.

Don't try to be smart, we have a full record of every whitelisted site.

We have been back for almost 2 weeks, thats more than enough time for webmasters to re-add our link.

Whats unreasonable is webmasters submitting to us and getting traffic without our backlink.

Sorry my mistake I meant it to write *2..Itwas early in the morning aand I was groggy so I stated it by mistake as *5.


Please unban my site amazingtv.info and bring all my downloads back.
Hawk i will add your button in next couple hours because at this time i have problem with server . But i will add

CAn you fix the code of button on your page (tinypic error)
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