Search results

  1. S Discussion

    Well my account was just stolen and now I can't log into my account. How can I stop renewing the account then. They are not replying to email and support ticket :(
  2. S

    Selling and Adult Blog and Adult Blog (1000+ UV daily combined) Hi mate, I'm going to sell both my sites (alexa: 706,568) and (alexa: 1,960,901).. Together (no separate sell).. both are porn blogs focused on Korean and Japanese porn and do have really great...
  3. S

    Filesonic Files Backup Scheme

    Okay then... here's what I did to backup mine... 1. Install DownThemAll! add-on for Firefox (well, you need Firefox obviously :))) 2. Login to your Filesonic account 3. In the file manager, where you have your files you want to download, right click anywhere on the screen and choose...
  4. S

    Filesonic Files Backup Scheme

    Thanks goddesschi... You really did a great job... I do feel sorry for those whose account got deleted... I also got mine on fileserve... but fortunately my filesonic is still intact :) I do however found another way or method to backup mine... but I do not intend to hijack this thread... so if...
  5. S

    Filehost that doesn't delete files due to inactivity.

    Well I've been looking around for that option too... but for free :)... I've only found one so far... Jakfile... they give you 1TB as a free user and inactive files won't be deleted... are they trustworthy though? does anyone knows any other place like it? please share... Oh yeah... I'm not...
  6. S

    Megaupload server provider Cogent takes stock hit

    Maybe some part of it is an extra cost to keep them silence :D
  7. S - Up to $35 for downloads or 60% of sales&rebills (Official Thread)

    That exactly what SOPA is for... To give power to CERTAIN (greedy) individuals to shut down sites like google, youtube and the like just for giving you "search results"... and without the need for due process :facepalm:... Guess some peoples seems to never had enough... They should learn how to...
  8. S

    Feds Shut Down Megaupload

    There goes my newly bought two years premium account :'( Bye bye MU... R.I.P... Now who is next? X-(
  9. S

    Selling Advanced Wordpress Autosubmitter

    Got the script! It really works wonderfully... saves me lots of time from doing the tedious posting... $10 bucks is a steal for such a nice script... now I have more time to spend on something else :)... Thanks Whoo...
  10. S

    Selling Advanced Wordpress Autosubmitter

    Yo there... Nice plugin... I want one... please PM me with your Paypal account :)
  11. S

    Requesting my payment... Username Shinhikari... Total unpaid in USD: $8.33... thanks :)
  12. S

    servedome down ?

    Same here... luckily I had made a backup just a day before it went down... I'm done with them though... So I'm moving... better than waiting :)
  13. S - Upload your PORN videos and Earn up to US$30 (Offical)

    Would you mind upgrading my account into a Premium please? ID: shinhikari Thanks a lot!
  14. S

    UploadStation - $32 / 1000 Downloads! All Countries Paid! (Official Thread)

    Would you mind upgrading my account into a Premium please? I'm an active uploader and I've decided to start using your host... ID: shinhikari Thanks a lot!
  15. S

    Hi Willy, would you mind upgrading my account to Premium please... I'm an active uploader... and I'll start using your host :) Here's my ID: 8811 Thanks a lot!
  16. S

    LinkPlz Get WhiteListed to Submit!

    Nice DDL site.... I've added your banner to my blogs... Please add them to your whitelist :) thanks
  17. S

    [Official] Whitelisting & Re-Rating (Apply Here)

    Okay I've submitted and added a backlink to your site :) Please have a look at my sites... Thanks a lot :)
  18. S

    [Official] Whitelisting & Re-Rating (Apply Here)

    Please add my site to the whitelist: I've put a linkback to your site and have submitted few posts... Thanks a lot :)
  19. S

    Free Rapidleech Plugins for WJ Members

    I also need Fileserve Plugin... any link for a working one? thanks