[Official] CoralDrive.net - 60% PPS, Upto $30 Per 1000 Downloads & Mixed, 5% from Ref

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hi coral..,

payment not received...requested 2 weeks before...

last week u said u pay this week...

when u pay ???

You will get payment tommorow.
our staff is approving payment one by one. then that user is getting payment in next one hour.

Please wait for your number.


Possible reason :-
Your downloads are fake from bots.

We are not paying who are cheating with our Affiliate Program.
Our staff is checking all accounts one by one to prevent cheating.

If you feel that we are Its our Mistake.
Then PM me all details of your work.

WTF? Where is PPD plans?
Read Email we allready sent to all users.

Where is PPD plans?
Read Email we allready sent to all users.

2012-05-13 €56.51 REJECTED

Possible reason :-
Your downloads are fake from bots.

We are not paying who are cheating with our Affiliate Program.
Our staff is checking all accounts one by one to prevent cheating.

If you feel that we are Its our Mistake.
Then PM me all details of your work.
Well, for the life of me I can't understand after all this time you have not been able to stabilize your site :facepalm:.

Taking away the PPD sure isn't going to win you any fans but you do have a problem with your script on downloads, I think your counter is working fine, but not where the download comes from.
I make just about as much with my screens as my total downloads on coraldrive and to me, that says something

The site I use for my screens tell me where the click came from, 90% come from your best paying tier, yet most of my downloads add up to your lowest paying tier .. Go figure..

I'm not going to jump ship just yet, but you have to get your act together and get your site running properly.
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Just got email from coraldrive

You have got payment from CoralDrive
Amount :- $68.24

Thanks @CoralDrive.

I think they checking all downloads badly8-)
But i got my payment.
also please dont remove PPD my main earning is from ppd i get few sales only per week :'(

But I will continue with them;)
I really think the the problem with sales is the fact the site just isn't stable, and the fact that almost daily things are being changed. I know when I look for I site to buy a premium, I want to be sure it's stable, and so far this one is not. People notice this and refuse too buy.
Fake boots go to hell with that man i post at baixeturbo.org a brazilian site with more than 200.000 visits daily NEVER had this problem... the fact is that your server is cheating.... review that and pay me!!!!!!

I am not generated any fake downloads.
why my payment request is rejected ?
Are you spammer ?

What do you mean by Are you spammer ?:facepalm:
You got paid one times and this time not so maybe there is a reason you not got paid.
Our staff checking all payout request . and checking his downloads etc.
You got not paid means staff finded more than 50% fake downloads etc.
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