When You gonna pay me CoralDrive?
Payments history
Date Amount Status
2012-05-07 €28.54 PENDING
Payments history
Date Amount Status
2012-05-07 €28.54 PENDING
When You gonna pay me CoralDrive?
Payments history
Date Amount Status
2012-05-07 €28.54 PENDING
i sent you prof at pm of whre i post.... you didnd answer i have NO fake downloads ,, be a man and pay me
You are Cheating.
If we are not generated any sales,then payment is rejected.
Payments history
Date Amount Status
2012-05-13 €12.63 PENDING
Please pay me.
I am on ppd and I didn't generate any sales.
Let's see if CoralDrive will pay me or not.
pm sent
thanks for conferming.Get it.
Thank you.
Do you read my last PM?
Yes 100% sure.. we dont promise any thing if we cant do that B-)
site down in my sideany one facing same problem ?