[Official] CoralDrive.net - 60% PPS, Upto $30 Per 1000 Downloads & Mixed, 5% from Ref

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This file is available for premium user only.
Upgrade your account to download this file.

i didn't click the premium user button, but only premium users are downloading my files, there is a problem, all user must download my files...

sory 4 my english

Fix them please
All files show
"This file is available for premium user only. Upgrade your account to download this file."

What's wrong? Could you fix them?

Sorry guys for late reply.
It has been fixed now.

This file is available for premium user only.
Upgrade your account to download this file.

i didn't click the premium user button, but only premium users are downloading my files, there is a problem, all user must download my files...

sory 4 my english

Fix them please

Sorry guys for late reply.
It has been fixed now.

He is trying to force users to buy premium, this file host will get banned at many sites for this.

We are verry sorry for inconvenience .
Its fixed. check your self.
I have closed this thread because there are serious questions about the Identity of CoralDrive. We will work with him to attempt to justify this and hope that he is forthcoming with the information to return here.

Do Not Open threads or PM staff about the status of this case!

You have been warned and infractions will result if you do!

Added: If this host goes down please report the Top Post to notify the staff during this thread closure
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