- Advanced PPS (90% Sales / 50% Rebills)

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Not Really.. Such a thing has happened with many big file hosts in the past. Some close PPD and some eventually reduce rates such that most of affiliates leave them due to worst rates. What really counts most in file hosts is paying your affiliates at the right time which I believe we are promptly doing. :)

You are a very small filehost. When a big filehost reduce rates or close PPD or cheat..., it's because he doesn't need to expand anymore to make money. With you, different thing, you closed it because you loose money. And that's because your PPD rates were way too high, and your website and payment options way too bad. Anyway, good luck to you.
Too bad. Just last week I was thinking "ahhh good, finally an awesome host with a honest PPD plan" and today ... PAAAAAAF a big crash when I discrovered you cancelled yout PPD plan.
Then bye bye Megabitshare. I really don't see why continue work with you if I don't get anything in return.
A majority works with PPD plans and selling files is not so easy ... then good luck for the futur in front of big file hosts already known for their genious PPS plans like Ryushare .......... :wave:

RIP MegaBitshare.
my statistic is frozen. What is going on?

Sorry, you meant to say, you got a sale and wasn't shown up ? Awaiting your Response.

i just started to use megabitshare and on my acc i have downloads but it wont move money statistic more than this last 2 days $2.0725 i wonder why is that cause on begining my statistic was working fine... i use PPD option
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Sorry, you meant to say, you got a sale and wasn't shown up ? Awaiting your Response.

i just started to use megabitshare and on my acc i have downloads but it wont move money statistic more than this last 2 days $2.0725 i wonder why is that cause on begining my statistic was working fine... i use PPD option

We do not pay for downloads anymore, PPD stopped on Sunday. I have notified it long back on main post. However we have attractive Sales plan, feel free to switch to them or else request payout.
first thanks for your fast response. i will not use this anymore cause many people will give up on this.. where to get a sale with new file host? my blogs are not that strong and the most high traffick forums doesen't allow this. For example keep2share now after is apporowed almost everywhere i started to make some cash. With rapidgator i have sales almost every day. You should leave at least mixed plan like uploaded that is the best plan ever! I didn't mean anything bad with this this is my experience with file host's... good luck to all of you guys and buy yourself a beer with my 2$ :D
Keep the thread clean, bickering back and forth will not be tolerated.

A host is entitled to change their payouts per their own terms. This is a good thing that a host does this, because it should show you that they are making changes to ensure that they can continue making their payouts.
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