I didn't ask for it and I got my firts payment :)
Right now you are the best PPD filehost in my opinion. Good rates, Good DL speed for free users, and nice payouts options for uploaders. Keep up the good work !
You are a very small filehost. When a big filehost reduce rates or close PPD or cheat..., it's because he doesn't need to expand anymore to make money. With you, different thing, you closed it because you loose money. And that's because your PPD rates were way too high, and your website and...
When I share a folder, the files are not sorted in alphabetical order but in a random order and I can't do anything about it (The default sorting order seems to be the upload time which I can't control when using ftp). It's annoying and it looks amateurish when I share folders. Can you...
For the time being i'm uploading at Hotfile. Rate is not as good as storage.to but at least they pay.
And I will probably delete all my files at Storage.to if I dont get my money by next week. Because what really pisses me off is to make them earn money(2-3 attracted users/day) and not getting...
I'd like to have that optimism but I requested a payout 2 weeks ago and I'm still waiting; it seems that Storage.to has not paid anyone since september 14, nothing on Twitter (https://twitter.com/storage_to), and mails replies from support are automated bullshit messages saying that "they have...
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