- Advanced PPS (90% Sales / 50% Rebills)

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Sounds like this file host failed to set a real business plan before they launched.

Its never a good idea to simply launch a service, set up an affiliate/advertisement system, and then just "wing it" once you go live.

Not Really.. Such a thing has happened with many big file hosts in the past. Some close PPD and some eventually reduce rates such that most of affiliates leave them due to worst rates. What really counts most in file hosts is paying your affiliates at the right time which I believe we are promptly doing. :)

I hope you pay for those who could not reach the minimum payout.

As told before the minimum payout will be reduced to $1 on Tuesday so that you may request all your hard-earned money.

After 1 month , PPD high rate Closed ! I sure 100% " GAME OVER FOR YOU "

I'm afraid you are WRONG. The game has just began my friend because excluding the PPD expenses, I think we are more likely to be in profit.. :P
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It is strange this days ...

Filehosts have the worst PPD rates ever ...

Or the hosts thats pays ( normal rates ) close PPD in the fasted times ever ...

BUT ... Imagehosts pay the Highest Rates ever for pay per view

Maybe it is just me ... but i find it stranges :heiligenschein:
Please advise when can request the payout, now min.[FONT=gotham_lightregular, Arial, Helvetica] payout still $20.. you say will reduce to $1..[/FONT]
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