- Trouble free file sharing! Wowzers! It’s super easy!

Hey jerk, nobody talks to you! not just me who complains with losing records!

Added after 36 minutes:

do not talk after you do not know what content share! I had a much bigger profits a year ago with the same content, and much less posts.

example: one month RG stats!

You have good stats for Rapidator, i have used rapidgator previously for over a year and i can honestly say i earned more in 5 months with k2s then i did in my longer period @ rapidgator. Perhaps some filehosts sell better at particular forums? I've tried uploaded, rapidgator, upstore and datafile before i started using k2s and in my opinion k2s is the best by a long shot! not only do they have a quickly responding support but their service works the best with least issues and also a professional design on the website which does result in extra sales for me, payment is also always on time!
Yesterday was a good day for me :)

Thanks for payment on time as always, k2s <3
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are you think we should disabled 3 day tariff or not?

In my case it was better to disable it, i think this might be different if you post on big public forums though, then people might see 3 day on someone else link and go out of their way to use that one instead which results in no revenue for you.
Productivity Scale 4: Sales - 52%, Rebill - 42%
Productivity Scale 5: Sales - 53%, Rebill - 43%

Productivity Scale 6: Sales - 55%, Rebill - 45%
Productivity Scale 7+: Sales - 65%, Rebill - 55%

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[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]- your info is not correct.[/FONT]

If your "Productivity Scale" 6 or 7+, you will automatically get higher rates:
Productivity Scale 6: Sales - 55%, Rebill - 40%
Productivity Scale 7+: Sales - 60%, Rebill - 50%

is this something new? will i earn more or less at prod scale 5 than before with these? i'm at 7 now but hanging on to this one is hard still.... i need some files deleted :P I did a massive 3 tb re-upload in early dec so i am waiting now, i think a lot of my garbage files will decay by 8th march!
I cannot get remote uploading to work properly. I go to moneyplatform and click tools, then remote upload. I add a link from another filehost (I tried this with 2 different filehosts) and it always just sits there.
The status always says "In queue" and the size always says 0 b and the progress bar doesn't move at all. It almost feels as if I am supposed to hit a start button or something else I can't see. I will get tired of waiting (I waited an hour once) and when I refresh I always get some type of plugin error message. Sometimes its "Plugin return empty URL. Plugin errors = null" or it will say a little bit more, but overall its a plugin error message. If I click restart with error status, then it looks frozen in queue with no progress being made.
I tried this in 2 different browsers and the results are the same. My plugins seem ok as far as I can tell; they are fine and updated.
Is there a certain type of plugin I need to have or can commonly fail to cause this issue?

I also have issues with uploading files the regular way as well. First off, if I go the upload form format in the tools tab, they constantly fail and I have to start over, which is annoying because I can only upload 1 file at a time. They can SOMETIMES upload, but I don't find it worth the time and effort that way. If I go to the files tab and I click upload file (where you can upload multiple files at one time) and as soon as I go to upload they all either instantly fail, or they will upload and get to something like 90% then start over and then they may finish, or they will fail. This is why I am trying to remote upload, but that's failing too.

Help me.

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