- 5,00 USD / 1000 Image Views. Earn money sharing images: Amazing Rates.

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Don't worry, it's a false positive. There is no malicious ads on the site, we have checked.

Kind Regards, Support
1. Any number of unique IP that visits ImgServe following ANY OF YOUR image links.
2. Pays equally for non-adult too, but there's adult-ads for non-adult images currently.
tats what CK13 i have told him too few times tat his ads r having malwares and tat too very dangerous ones. He must either ask advertising company to provide refined ads with no malwares or look for some better company which dont allow sites with malwares or do check and remove such sites from ads which have malwares. tats why i m not using imgserve temporarily bz my viewers kept complaining me tat theeir anit virus detect the site as dangerous :(.... Tats a serious issue for the reputation of the host they must deal with it permanently.
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