- 5,00 USD / 1000 Image Views. Earn money sharing images: Amazing Rates.

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Shit that was fast.

We are still working on our servers, but now new images are uploaded on fresh new ones, so there will be no more upload problems issues. Please remember that we are working on this so if you experience problems email us immediately and we will do our best to fix it as soon as possible.

Old images will be moved to new SV and optimized within this week, to gain even better speeds. Please stay tuned for news.

All payments were processed today. We are very happy to work with you all.

Kind Regards, Support
What about refferal system ?


This is under development, if we get this done we will post it here. Thanks for the suggestion.

imgserve again the ads showing malware . pls contact ur advertisers to prevent such malware ads ....



Did you actually saw this? Can you give us any URLS? We never experienced this on our site, we are continuously checking for clean ads. Please email us more details to and if there is a problem we will fix it.

Only one problem is image with family safe content, opens with adult ads. Rest is ok, please fix that.

The they should remove the family safe option.
What's the point on having a family safe option but show adult ads on it?


Family-Safe option does not work, all ads are adult for now. We do not remove it because we may implement the safe ads in the future, so all previously uploaded Family-Safe images will have them. If we add Family-Safe ads, we will let you know. For now, all adult.

Kind Regards, Support
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