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full of bugs ... scam site

If I remember correctly, you were banned several times and from several imagehosts for cheating.

We are working to fix this, sorry for inconveniences. I believe we were under attack and we are doing the best we can to ensure user's accounts.

Will let you know when all problems are fixed here.

Kind Regards, Support
If I remember correctly, you were banned several times and from several imagehosts for cheating.

We are working to fix this, sorry for inconveniences. I believe we were under attack and we are doing the best we can to ensure user's accounts.

Will let you know when all problems are fixed here.

Kind Regards, Support

hope that everything is resolved, I'm starting to use freshly looks good host
If I remember correctly, you were banned several times and from several imagehosts for cheating.

We are working to fix this, sorry for inconveniences. I believe we were under attack and we are doing the best we can to ensure user's accounts.

Will let you know when all problems are fixed here.

Kind Regards, Support

i was only banned by imgdino . and the reason was the multiple account on same ip .. me and my cousin made account on imgdino and as we are using the same internet connection , so the ip of both of our computer are same .. that was a mistake , it does'nt count in cheating please mind your words !

apart of that i am a trusted user of many hosting sites ... i registered on imgserve a couple of days back and i am continuously facing technical issues .... its not a good impression ... and as being a user of your site , i just left my reviews in your post ... i dont think that i have written something wrong in my above reply .. your site showing bugs , so as i wrote here .... i think there should not be any need of discussing of my past ...this is not the way to deal with users ...
i was only banned by imgdino . and the reason was the multiple account on same ip .. me and my cousin made account on imgdino and as we are using the same internet connection , so the ip of both of our computer are same .. that was a mistake , it does'nt count in cheating please mind your words !

apart of that i am a trusted user of many hosting sites ... i registered on imgserve a couple of days back and i am continuously facing technical issues .... its not a good impression ... and as being a user of your site , i just left my reviews in your post ... i dont think that i have written something wrong in my above reply .. your site showing bugs , so as i wrote here .... i think there should not be any need of discussing of my past ...this is not the way to deal with users ...

".so please mind your words ! "

Read the rules moron

"The use of the word "scam"

You may have noticed a lot of infractions are being given out lately for misusing the word, "scam." These infractions will continue to be issued and could possibly have you banned. Here's why.

The term "scam" has become grossly overused here at WJunction. More often then not, even used in the incorrect context. I'm probably underestimating, but at least 97% of the threads/posts here with the word "scam" did not need to be made or could have used other words.

I, in all honestly do not believe many of you know how serious of a word that is, and what kind of damage posting a scam warning on WJ can do to a company. It's like calling out a child molester in your neighborhood. Nobody will want to go near the guy. Once Google picks up the thread anyway.

You cannot take back what you post on the internet. Look at the shoutbox. People are always posting screenshots of stuff people have said."
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