- 5,00 USD / 1000 Image Views. Earn money sharing images: Amazing Rates.

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I received this complaint today about your host:

The first image that I clicked on was the last image, and I got an additional webpage asking me to download Flash Player, this may have actually happened when I clicked to see the full size image. It was obviously a computer nasty because it was not the official adobe-flash-player website. A dialogue box came up preventing me from closing the webpage so I clicked to close my web browser but instead the flashplayer.exe downloaded! This was not a problem for me as I use a mac, but it could be disastrous for PC users, maybe you should ban | Earn Money Sharing Images
Imgserve Activate Account

Greetings, Dear I have written about my account (user: cleandatapc) but I have not received response, the access I get the following error: Your account is banned. Reason: Contact Reviews us with exact traffic sources to restore your account please. I wrote both the email address listed as the contact through the website but have not received a response. Reddit I use to send my traffic to the images hosted one of the channels I use is: over 18? I remain attentive to your responses, please continue working with imgserve like many of my colleagues have received the same message and have it activated again.
Yeah, all images are disapear, but they're not deleted, becouse I clicked some of them from other places and they're opening. Please fix it asap ImgServe, thanks!

Good news, from now on Paypal payments will be received without any commissions to our users, everyone will get their full balance paid out.

Kind Regards, Support
I wonder why I have banned my account because it does not break any rule huh you was always my primary Hoster images on my site and do not understand the why of this ban would like that or can re activate my account thanks

my user pit3xl
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