- 5,00 USD / 1000 Image Views. Earn money sharing images: Amazing Rates.

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All of my images are displayed small when you click my thumbnails.


Contact us on email to with details and we can discuss the problem, but taking a quick look to your images and the forum where they were posted, I'm afraid that the forum is making that happen. When you click a thumb you are directed to the thumb link instead of the image link, this is causing you not to earn since the user never visits our image page. This happens with all image links, not just And since we do not allow or pay for hotlink on the larger images, the only way to correctly use our service is when user enters our site. I suggest you contact the forum to ask about this.

One of our servers was taken down yesterday, that is why some images and upload were not available for a few hours. We fixed upload before the server was restored, and at this time everything is resolved.

Kind Regards, Support
Everybody in tension. I don't know why? If they don't pay then you loose only your one week earning. But I don't think that they will not pay.

We are processing payments, if your payment is marked as "Paid" you will get it within the next couple hours.

Please be patient, we always process payments around this time sometimes sooner, sometimes later, you will always receive it. If any day comes and we are unable to process all of them on time, we will email you all to let you know. Don't worry.

Thanks, Support
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