I have looked and could not find anything saying not to use URL shorteners, or Linkbucks.. When I use these, there seems to be a lack of hits with imgserve, while other hosts I am using for the same gallery show 4 times as many or more. Even when I dont use shorteners or linkbucks, there seems to be an issue with hit count, or either the display of hit counts! I use a lot of uncommon places to post links, to avoid competition of the 1 unique IP in 24 hours rule.. When I view the images I share, the images are not showing many hits..
Example.. Uploaded the same time.. Pictures are of the same person, and gallery..
Once uploaded, every imgserve thumb shows one view, so either nobody is getting past your ads, or your count is wrong. I split up the best pics between hosts, so everyone will want to see at least one picture from every host.. Is your display module working right?