- 5,00 USD / 1000 Image Views. Earn money sharing images: Amazing Rates.

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Phew ! Finally I was able to request my payout.
There is some problem in the site now man...

Many times I tried to request payout - the connection was reset..
And site is extremely slow.... Every page takes a lot of time to load...
Phew ! Finally I was able to request my payout.
There is some problem in the site now man...

Many times I tried to request payout - the connection was reset..
And site is extremely slow.... Every page takes a lot of time to load...
I guess thats just you..
Normally to me. :heiligenschein:
Hello everyone,

We have fixed sever load situation. Please confirm this, and if you experience server load email us at

Is max filesize set to 2 mb as I can't upload files more than 2 mb? Please set it to at least 5 mb.


We will look into this, had no problems regarding this matter so far. If anything changes I will let you know here.

Payments will be processed today, as always, thanks everyone for choosing us.

Kind Regards,
I recieved mine too, thank you ImgServe!

---------- Post added at 05:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:03 PM ----------

Site is down, please fix it...

Thanks everyone for payment confirmation, we are happy to work with you.

When someone is having loading issues please email us to with your country and we will look into it at that very moment, is more effective than leaving a comment here where we will read it late.

We are constantly monitoring the server but it is possible that someone experiences high load, if you email us we will solve it faster.

Still having problem uploading files over 2 mb. Please fix.


We are not getting much complaints about this, I will let you know when anything changes. Thank you very much.

Feel free to contact us for any doubt.

Kind Regards, Support
Hello everyone, i have joined 3 days ago and have $3.01 waiting payment via payza, happy waiting time, hope to receive it soon :hrhr:
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