- PPD / PPS (50%) New and improved

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Oh God. I do not know what to say for the host. I only have one word for you. AWESOME.

If You will give me 20$ for 10000 downloads for tier A still i would love to work with you if you gonna go with same dedications. Awesome man.
@Bobby3711 - You've been granted with Silver membership

We know you didn't ask for one, but it was a very nice thing of you to say and we would like you to have an nice and easy start with our service, so we hop you'll enjoy your Silver Membership and soon enough to become Gold member as well.

Good luck!
Though i did not ask for the one but happy to receive. I was just thinking of leaving uploading as i was tired of slow download speed for free user and every host is running behind Sales. I do not how long u will last? But Hope and wish u wins the race.
@i7apple - You've been granted with Silver membership

Speeds are varies in different countries, and also there are differences between speeds in web upload / remote url and FTP.
We are currently working to setup more servers on different parts of the world to provide our blazing speeds worldwide, we will let you know once it's up and running. It's worth the wait!
@Bobby3711 - Yes, we do. embedded videos as well.

Speeds varies during peak hours, this will be fixed soon, as we are in the process of adding more server worldwide.
Can u pls clear that when u add more server to improve upload speed i think u are just saying only bec uploaders cant wait if u have still same speed then who use ur server huge file kindly pls tell the location of server why u hide nt telling the server location
Thanx HugeFiles, finally getting the VIP comments from all over the boards just for you, I don't need those golden-silver rank, I need the love from my downloaders, just never run away mate, keep it up, and thanx again - Danny Archer
@heart_tracker - We have several servers, some in US, some in EU and we are adding more servers where we get feedback that the uploading speeds drops from time to time during peak hours.

Although, we work hard to maintain very high speeds to our end users that download files, ask your users, see what speeds they get.

Good luck to all.
Sorry to bother, but I still don't understand?

Each IP address is counted once every 24 hours.

Does this mean that when 1 IP download different files, it still be counted as 1 file or
is each file counted, but downloading the same file more then once, is counted as 1 time?

I also having problems with remote uploading.
Sometimes speeds are great, but also on the same server upload speeds are very slow with 150 kbps :(

So my last file (700MB) took me 90 minutes to upload :(

I also hope that downloaders pick up the links, because for now I earn $0.10 per day :thumbdown:

Also remote uploading from rapidshare fails, because https protocal isn't supported

But downloads are great with 2MBps for users, but they keep complaining about the captchas :whistling:

But thanks anyway HugeFiles for trying to make a great sharing site :snog:
@Soapalien - It's no trouble, always ask what you want to know.
About the count - If user(certain ip) downloads 1 files in 24 hours or 2 files, it will be counted only once, if the same user comes again after 24 hours and downloads anything (even the same file) it will be counted again. 1 per 24 hours. We hope it's clear now.

About speeds, as we said it varies, by location of the uploader and the load on the servers, but we are working hard (it takes a few days to install and configure properly new servers) to deliver much better speeds to the uploaders as we do to the downloaders.

Speeds will increase in a few days, We will announce it here once the integration is complete.
We don't support leeching from other servers, only remote URL upload, as it's stable and not reliable for the long run.

Good luck to all.
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