Mixed Review
UPDATE (added on same day after few hours): I received an email from both HostDZire and WJ. WJ mentioned that they looked both sides which means they must have played a part on the HostDZire's following decision. HostDZire decided to offer me 5 day extension. It was more than I was expecting. So thank you both.
I just wanted to mention this so potential buyers will know all the info before making a decision.
I've been using this service for last 1 1/2 months now.
I get good down/up speed for all hosts I want.
I faced two problems.
One problem I faced was, you won't get any compensation if there is a downtime. No matter what the real reason.
Around 14th, there was a downtime. Hostdzire says it was malware and user caused it. But never provided any proof that it really was a malware and who caused it. Just their word.
First I seek help from Hostdzire. Check this ticket to see how it turned out and how they will make excuses not to give you compensation:
I filed a WJ dispute to get compensation for the downtime and they (WJ) are ASKING "ME" to prove that it was really a malware. My complaint was simple. i. e. There was a downtime and I need compensation. I already proved there was a downtime. Why should I prove the cause of downtime?
In a similar situation other hosts offer compensation no matter whose fault it is. That's what the common business practice/ ethic is. Check following:
Even if it was really Hostdzire fault, they can say it was malware and pin it in a user and get away with it. Because WJ doesn't ask RDP provider to produce proof to downtime cause and ask user to do that.
Don't expect any support from WJ Dispute process because WJ doesn't care about business ethics too. They just believe what host say without any proof to back it up.
If hostdzire says its hardware failure, malware, virus etc., they will just believe it.
So in the end, me and other users (innocent parties) who were affected by the downtime have to pay the price. In my opinion, Hostdzire is doing a business and this should be their loss and responsible user (if it really was a user fault). Not the other innocent users who were affected by foul play.
Another problem I have is they say they put only 8 people in NL Admin Encoding Rdp.
But I noticed 10 people put in the server Im on.
Again, going against business ethics and breaking the agreement.
I noticed this later. Obviously, there is really no point arguing this with Hostdzire. After hearing WJ decision for above problem, its pointless to raise the issue with them too.
Bottom line is:
If you are looking for a good, fast server; then no problem using Hostdzire.
But if you are looking for a provider who follows business ethics, common business practices, care about consumer rights; then stay away from Hostdzire. Because if there is a problem, you will NOT get support from either Hostdzire OR WJ.