Shared - cPanel Hosting 2$ (NL)

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I don't have any stats, all I can tell you is that I have had 3 noticeable downtimes since launch, 2 were fixed within 24 hours and the third one was over Easter; one node was down for around 50 hours because of the holiday.
To all current clients and potential clients:

I am in a good mood and have quite a few slots left on my servers, if you are interested in hosting I can provide you with deals, such as a 1 week trial period for a reduced cost, a 2 week trial period for a reduced cost. Custom quotes with custom limits and deals on long-term hosting plans.
I don't know what your domain name is, your email address or your paypal address is, please can you create a support ticket and I shall fix it.
that is good way of forcing the customers to make a puchase of over 10$

Anyways no offence...:) i will find another host...:)
It's not worth my time restoring accounts when my clients can themselves, unless they're high priority clients

Don't manipulate my business ethics, I'm not forcing anyone as they have the option to restore their files themselves
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