Shared - cPanel Hosting 2$ (NL)

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Everything seems to be working fine for me, if you still experience problems, open a support ticket (if you can) or message me here.

Added after 22 Hours 20 minutes:

Softaculous is now being installed on the nodes, node "high" has already had it installed, node "Cold" should have it installed shortly. Let me know your thoughts.
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Sorry about the delayed response, I was with my family today as we planned to go out for the day as it's Sunday and the weather is nice. I've just came back to see the server isn't responding, no error E-Mails have been sent out and all the payments have been received by my data center so I am unsure why this is happening, I have contacted my data center and they shall fix shortly.

P.S, I'd really appreciate it if you didn't all cluster my thread when letting me know a server is down, it is best to create a support ticket so you can find out what the problem is, cluttering this thread up just wastes bandwidth and time, because I then have to read through all the comments that just state "down".

P.P.S, please remember that support won't always be instant on Friday nights, Saturday nights and Sunday mornings.
If you have problems and questions with scripts you can ask me in a support ticket and I shall try my best to help diagnose the issue you are having.
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