HenchFile.com - PPS Only

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Admin, don't mind but you're behaving like a 6 years established company [more like bitshare support], You're just here for 2 hours, try to gain some popularity with your sweet voice.

Free Tip Brought To You By : Danny Archer
I think you'll find I've been here more than 2 hours and the service has been up and running for weeks now.

If you don't like the service, the site or this thread, move on please.
Servers are located in USA.

Located in USA is your disadvance
- Copyrighted. Your server may be suspended any time.
- Most (99%) filehosts are located in EU.
Uploaders download from other hosts to their server (EU-EU is very fast) and upload to your hosts (EU-US is low). Spending lot of time, less of uploaders choose yours.

BTW: I try PPD and good earning. If you move all server to EU, your service will grow up.

And you don't need set filesize limit (download) for un-registered and registered user. Because if users who don't buy your service, don't force them signup as free registered user (you got zero for free registered user)
Located in USA is your disadvance
- Copyrighted. Your server may be suspended any time.
- Most (99%) filehosts are located in EU.
Uploaders download from other hosts to their server (EU-EU is very fast) and upload to your hosts (EU-US is low). Spending lot of time, less of uploaders choose yours.

BTW: I try PPD and good earning. If you move all server to EU, your service will grow up.

And you don't need set filesize limit (download) for un-registered and registered user. Because if users who don't buy your service, don't force them signup as free registered user (you got zero for free registered user)
Like I've said to someone previously. If you don't like what we offer, go elsewhere. We get hundreds of registrations per day.
Otherwise welcome to HF :)
No one knows about future!!

U know all says ''we will stay'' and then ?
Correct, no one knows what is going to happen in the future.
But what I do know is that we're not just going to disappear. We're not some little kid trying to make a quick buck in his bedroom, we're a company based in the UK.
HA!!!Future this site will disappear! !Because he never paid money! ! !:):)
We've provided a valid explanation for why people haven't been paid out yet.
All valid payout requests will be honoured once we receive funds to the payout gateways which is taking longer than initially expected. There isn't a conspiracy or a scam here. You've just got to be patient.
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