gounlimited.to | BANNED FROM WJ

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This is my gounlimited download speed...

This is download speed from other website

Yes, we limit the download speed. But the streaming speed is unlimited.
As mentioned above by couple of users, the streaming is fine, and you can test the links they provided as well.

Thank you.
even for me the download speed is extremely bad but the streaming is supeeerrr fasssst
check this file from my account:

it's almost one hour video and half of GB size
super fast streaming but download speed is bad

Yes sir, the download speed is limited so the streaming speed could be "Super Fast" as you see. Most hosts are currently buffering due to the high volume of abuse they face because of the "download" feature specially the IDM plugin/s that scrap the videos from our resources without crossing our ads.
The download speed will remain limited so the streaming speed remain "Super Fast".

Additionally, these IDM plugin/s will be blocked very soon. As soon as we enable the legit download option on our website, we will block these plugins so the user get forced to access the download page and face our ads in order to download any video. We're seeking to provide a long term video hosting solution and such behavior wouldn't allow us to do so.

Thank you for understanding.
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Streaming is fine for me. Actually it's perfect.

These are examples of my files:

All of them are big files and everyone can test how fast they work even in peak time (test them at midnight).

I see people complain here but when the admin asks them for links they don't share links ! maybe another host behind them? or why they complain with no proofs. :) I added proofs here, links that anyone can test.
the quality of the first video is great
is it encoded or not yet?
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Hello everyone,

As promised in this post:

We implemented our own made technology that supposed to offer the most stable streaming speed that everyone could experience.

Without any technical details, we can say that our streaming stability can now beat any common technology such as P2P or HLS.

As everyone know, since other hosts closed their PPV, many users joined us for the great and stable PPV program we have. The migration of these users caused our resources being overloaded and buffering during peak periods. However, as everyone noticed we worked hard to be the first host who fix the situation and handle it properly and we did.

Regardless the paragraph above, the point is that the technology we implemented is currently delivering our host videos very smoothly and without any buffering.

We invite everyone to signup or login to test the streaming stability on his website during the peak periods.

Additionally, any user who wants to join us, feel free to contact us through a PM with your website link. Websites with reasonable traffic can get some special benefits ;)
Hello everyone,
We implemented our own made technology that supposed to offer the most stable streaming speed that everyone could experience.

Without any technical details, we can say that our streaming stability can now beat any common technology such as P2P or HLS.
Regardless the paragraph above, the point is that the technology we implemented is currently delivering our host videos very smoothly and without any buffering.

Who are you trying to fool here? It's obvious that you still do mp4 streaming over HTTP, you haven't implemented your own protocol, encoding or whatever you call "technology". Also P2P / HLS have nothing to do with stability.

I appreciate that you improved your balancing between servers, but no need to tell BS.
Who are you trying to fool here? It's obvious that you still do mp4 streaming over HTTP, you haven't implemented your own protocol, encoding or whatever you call "technology". Also P2P / HLS have nothing to do with stability.

I appreciate that you improved your balancing between servers, but no need to tell BS.

As mentioned previously, sir. We’re still using the regular configuration and didn’t even use HLS or P2P since we’re not interested in such technologies.

If you’re seeking to know what we did in order to improve the situation I can say in short language (We’re splitting the video in the background) so the streaming delivery can be easier in the receiver device. It’s mostly likely to be HLS but in body of MP4. It’s @RapidVideo idea in first place, but we implemented the technology before him since we asked our team to do it faster in order to improve the streaming stability.

We’re not trying to fool anyone since we’re seeking to build some trust with the people here. If you’re not aware of the technical details you should ask us before accusing us with anything.
Direct attack without hearing the other party is considered barbaric, and I believe you’re better than this.

If you require any additional informations, feel free to ask us.

Thank you.

As mentioned previously, sir. We’re still using the regular configuration and didn’t even use HLS or P2P since we’re not interested in such technologies.

If you’re seeking to know what we did in order to improve the situation I can say in short language (We’re splitting the video in the background) so the streaming delivery can be easier in the receiver device. It’s mostly likely to be HLS but in body of MP4. It’s @RapidVideo idea in first place, but we implemented the technology before him since we asked our team to do it faster in order to improve the streaming stability.

We’re not trying to fool anyone since we’re seeking to build some trust with the people here. If you’re not aware of the technical details you should ask us before accusing us with anything.
Direct attack without hearing the other party is considered barbaric, and I believe you’re better than this.

If you require any additional informations, feel free to ask us.

Thank you.
you wasted your time with an official reply
check when he created his account and how much comment he have on his profile ;)
some hosts aren't happy seeing GoUnlimited growing :)
you wasted your time with an official reply
check when he created his account and how much comment he have on his profile ;)
some hosts aren't happy seeing GoUnlimited growing :)

It's my duty to reply each reasonable comment, not only for the one who submitted the comment but for the people as well so they hear each party. If you suspect his account, feel free to report him and the forum administration will take the necessary.

Thank you.
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