As mentioned previously, sir. We’re still using the regular configuration and didn’t even use HLS or P2P since we’re not interested in such technologies.
If you’re seeking to know what we did in order to improve the situation I can say in short language (We’re splitting the video in the background) so the streaming delivery can be easier in the receiver device. It’s mostly likely to be HLS but in body of MP4. It’s
@RapidVideo idea in first place, but we implemented the technology before him since we asked our team to do it faster in order to improve the streaming stability.
We’re not trying to fool anyone since we’re seeking to build some trust with the people here. If you’re not aware of the technical details you should ask us before accusing us with anything.
Direct attack without hearing the other party is considered barbaric, and I believe you’re better than this.
If you require any additional informations, feel free to ask us.
Thank you.