- Up to $33/1000 Downloads PPD, Up to 75% PPS, Official Support

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After about 200 downloads nobody can download my files anymore.

They get the error: "This file reached max downloads limit" Error is displayed when trying to download anything!

All my files become locked! What is the limit?
What do I need to do to remove the limit?
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Hey mate,can you change my profit mode to downloads? I selected sale by mistake and i have to wait another 24 hours.

Username: Duality

You delete a file with earnings webmasters DMCA infringing or just the files?
just the files


me too wants to know the same...


1. how did you give such high ppd rates ?? is the rates a promotion ? did u change rates in future ??

it reminds me of filereactor,henchfile,sharpfile and many


if u pay regularly then no problem

2. pls add webmoney...i will try you
Rates are on-going. not just a promotion.
web money setup is in progress.

Do you payout on Payza?

any payment proof for moneybrokers?
submit a ticket request with our helpdesk please

ppd rates are high because free users download speed is too low, ppd works good only if free users get good speed.
And if we increase free user download speed, then why would free users bother buying a premium account? Think about it.

After about 200 downloads nobody can download my files anymore.

They get the error: "This file reached max downloads limit" Error is displayed when trying to download anything!

All my files become locked! What is the limit?
What do I need to do to remove the limit?

fixed. unlimited now.

Hey mate,can you change my profit mode to downloads? I selected sale by mistake and i have to wait another 24 hours.

Username: Duality


done. thanks mate.
can You remote downloads limit 1 giga for free users, and give limit 2GB? and thx for premium

You are new host and when peoples see information "only premium can dl files" then out and dont back and dont buy premium becouse You are new host, make a trust first about downloads files, and then peoples like Your host and starting buy premium

Hi ! If i request payment monday, i will get paid tuesday ? thanks !

Yes you will.

Can't understand what your asking. Try to explain more clearly and I'll try to help you.

do i get a month premium free @miamivice cause when i ask you i never got no reply so i had to pay out of my own pocket for premium

Sorry this wasn't our fault, we had stated that we were doing the promotion from the date we launched. I added a few weeks to your account out of kindness. Hope this helps.

Where i can view how many premium sale i have:)? and stats because there i can view only earnings without details

We have added a referrals link on the my account page for your to view this.
The money of referrals .. When is credited? :)... and What percentage of the money you give me credit for my referrals?
Thank you :)
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