Filestrum is having difficulties and not recommended

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dear filestrum

pls check my PM and reply

thank you


Hello Filestrum a question request payment day 29 when paid.a greeting.

User: jerovk

All payments are on NET3 atm. So 3 days after the request unless it falls on a sunday, in which case you will be paid on Monday.

Tell me, all downloads count? Or just unique ?

All downloads count however we limit Amounts per IP within 24 hours.

Filestrum wrote in first page the payment made within 3 days,you change to 5 days 2 days ago,and i see now on partners page the Net7.So,What do you want?So change something every day

Apologies for the confusion. Payments are NET3 atm, however if your payment falls on Sunday you will be paid Monday.
Filestrum sory but i don't understand this

"All downloads count however we limit Amounts per IP within 24 hours."

sory but Google T. is not soo good

what do you limit?

How many files can download one ip in 24H? have a limit? or not

sory i whant to try your service but i have this questions

download speed for free members? I ask because now I try to download something over 60 kbs speed no salt

and such require a payment today and tomorrow require another payment

Tuesday I will get both or one on Tuesday and one on Wednesday
Can you please increase the rates of group D countries from 0.5€ to 0.8€??

Can you add India to group C now?

We can't sorry. The rates are set how they should be. The best traffic gets the best rate. Countries in group D are there because those countries don't convert well to sales. Why should we pay more than we are for countries that don't convert well?

can you add ftp upload?????????

We're looking to add this.
Donwloads appear to be counting fine, what problems are you having? Please PM your username if you wish us to investigate.

Added after 7 minutes:

Just FYI we'll be testing an Installer ad at Around 2-3 PM (GMT+0) it will run for about 6 hours. This may obviously affect downloads so we will temporarily increasing the PPD rates accordingly.

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your fuck... ads on your site is full viruses.You are cheating with download too.your site is click on site one pop up.You have to delete the ads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please remove pops up when you click on ads to buy premium. Users are very scared and do not buy. If it is so beneficial to you, let it be on other pages, but not on this one, otherwise you simply will not buy premium!
your fuck... ads on your site is full viruses.You are cheating with download too.your site is click on site one pop up.You have to delete the ads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What the hell are you going on about? We tested an installer ad for a few hours and now your crying? We have to delete our ads? Get real. Also please explain how we're cheating on downloads, I'd love to here it.

Speed from my US VPS is 4,2MB/s :)) GoodJob FileStrum!!!

Good stuff

admin you accepting pps cause dont wanna change over if i dont get nothing

You can change to PPS if you wish, it's working again now.

Please remove pops up when you click on ads to buy premium. Users are very scared and do not buy. If it is so beneficial to you, let it be on other pages, but not on this one, otherwise you simply will not buy premium!

We've removed the ads on the premium page.

Regards Filestrum
any payment proof?

I can send you payment proof if you require it. I've seen atleast 1 confirmation of payment from a user in this thread. Most seem to stay quiet which is fair enough.

Download count seems just fine to me

Our download counts are fine, people just look to find things to complain about that aren't there.

We are still considering a complete revamp of our premium accounts. €10 Euros for a yearly subscription with no download limits. We would really appreciate your feedback.
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