– $17PPS, $35/1000 Downloads – Make Your Life Easier - Go with FS!

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filesonic is world biggest cheater in payment section payment is paid but i am not receives filesonic is cheaters

Please stop being dramatic and send me a PM with your user ID and a brief description of your problem.


Btw I got the "MAYBE_BLOCKED_IP" error when trying to RU from fileserve,what's up with that?
I'm a fileserve premium user btw.

Could you please send me a PM with your user ID and a couple of links you are trying to RU.


@FileSonic Support: Hi, today, I login to Filesonic and received notice "Unexpected error during process Authentication: - No user found with such email. "
I forgot password and received notice "Sorry, there is no such email in our database."
Please help me!
Thanks verry much
My mail:

I just checked and it seems like we have no user with that email. Could you please send me a PM with a link that you uploaded.

Sorry I'm not able to,still on probation.Is there any other way to contact you,ie your filesonic email address?

Hi Filesonic staff...can you please increase Maximum download file size to 500mb or more for free user? :)

I'm sorry but we can't remove that limit.. If we do all affiliates that are on PPS will freak out because they won’t be making as much money. :)

to FS Support -

I got two sales today and I'm on "Pay per Download" plan, Does the 5$ per offer money will be credited to my unpaid balance? if so when!?

The offer is valid for PPD & PPS affiliates! No it will not be credited to your unpaid balance you'll be getting the money in a separate payment on Friday.. The affiliate needs to request it though, we are working on request page now :)

It is only applicable for the October offer earnings.. Regarding alert pay fee details check the following link
^^^ A Request for payment!? Is it applicable only for earnings from "October Offer" or for all the earnings from PPD?

and 1 more thing...I looked in Alertpay website for fee details regarding the withdrawals from card but couldn't find any. If could give those details that would be very helpful.
Dear Affiliates,
We've recently started accepting credit cards as a payment method. This will increase the sales of affiliates on PPS, and improve the FileSonic offering in general, thus benefiting everyone.
However, in order to prevent fraudulent activity, we will from now on delay our payouts by 2 business days. This means that every Tuesday, you will be paid out for your earnings from the previous week, ending Friday. Also, please note that as of November 5th, 2010 you will only be able to change your plan (Pay-Per-Sale / Pay-Per-Download) once per pay period. This is also intended to control some fraud that we have noticed lately. Please make sure that the plan you select by Friday November 5th is the plan you want to keep for at least 1 week.
These measures will allow us to stop fraudulent affiliates who not only hurt us, but also hurt the good and honest affiliates out there.
Thank you for your understanding and continued support.
i dont know whats problem with filesonic
we are two brother & we both have two account on filesonic
but we have onw Paypal account.
this week both have amount to payout
my bro give correct paypal id & i put wronge id to seop my payment bcz they cant support same paypal id on two accounts(HF support this same paypal account)
my bro get payment
i give wronge id but who filesonic pay on wrong id
the id of this name is not avail on gmail
so how they pay money
i dont know whats problem with filesonic
give me my payment
this is cause i want to go back on HF
Filesonic fix this bug

I don't know what did u expect, you should have left it blank, not with wrong ID:S How can they know it's wrong ID?

And now question from me, when will ppl who already have AP get option for AP card? I have send my AP info few days ago but still nothing

Btw I got the "MAYBE_BLOCKED_IP" error when trying to RU from fileserve,what's up with that?
I'm a fileserve premium user btw.

This problem is from fileserve :)

You can also find the following in the news section of the filesonic website.

"Dear Affiliates,
We are happy to announce that AlertPay has launched a debit card program that would allow affiliates to have easy access to their funds. This is a program that is exclusive to a few merchants, such as FileSonic.

In order to register for this card, you need to get an AlertPay account through this link:

If you are already an AlertPay member, then please email us your AlertPay email address with a subject of "AlertPay Debit Card", to

Filesonic Team"
Hi. Cashing in last Friday did not get. I got something like this:
[FONT=georgia,serif][FONT=georgia,serif]Dear Affiliates,[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=georgia,serif][FONT=georgia, serif]

[FONT=georgia,serif][FONT=georgia,serif]Your payments have been put on hold by our Fraud Department.[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=georgia,serif][FONT=georgia, serif]

[FONT=georgia,serif][FONT=georgia,serif]We ask you to send us examples of exact links of where you post your files. As soon as everything is verified, your payments will be released.[/FONT][/FONT]
I sent a reply and wait.
What should I do and how long must I wait?
Got a few question since I can't find them on Filesonic FAQ.

1.How much storage space for free user and is it unlimited for premium user like fileserve?

2.Ftp Broken uploads resume-able for premium user?

i wanted to suggest something i started using filesonic yesterday design is cool everything is user friendly but for the downloads it would be better to put free download not slower download this can confuse people well thats my opinion :D

cAn u explain why i still have 0$ ?
@ SaiRam123

Are you sure you are on "Pay Per Sale" scheme?

@ harsh73

You will get your payment on Friday (or Tuesday If the new changes applies from this payment). Payments are Automated, no need to request.
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