– $17PPS, $35/1000 Downloads – Make Your Life Easier - Go with FS!

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hi Hish what is happening with the download, but writes disconnect for a while, you can continue downloading?


Please FIX,ok!!!!

Well, you cant complain, your sharing warez for God's sake.

So what we share?

Share your private pics or what?

What exactly u are doing in this then?

85+% are Warez Webmaster in this site Do u know that?

So dont comment these kinda useless comments which really doesnot make any sense.

Everyone are posting warez stuff and making money from it

You really think that FSC will agree that something is wrong?
The standard answer is "nothing is wrong, sales is about luck and hard work".
And then everyone will be satisfied with that answer.

Dunno what to think myself.
It is quite possible that everyone in the world has a FSC account by now, and FSC just lauched SUPER SUPER ELITE instead of launching rebills.

I agree with u
but we can only wait for the right time :facepalm:
OMG, i can't believe how slow is the FTP upload today !!
i'm using an USA VPS and it takes over 10 minutes to upload 350 Mb file :facepalm:
usually it takes 20-30 Sec..
What's wrong ??
downloading filesonic links thru IDM seems not working
something like API issue?
been noticing this for the past days

i tried to log in my account and enter the link on my browser but error remains on IDM

anybody got the same?
Wasnt the new rates 17persale suppsoed to start today the 19th? Cuz I have a sale today and its only 12.

me too.. probably some error.. hope they fix it soon

Added after 17 minutes:

So what we share?

Share your private pics or what?

What exactly u are doing in this then?

85+% are Warez Webmaster in this site Do u know that?

So dont comment these kinda useless comments which really doesnot make any sense.

Everyone are posting warez stuff and making money from it

just because you share warez doesnt mean its allowable. atleast when you steal, do it secretly.. now a days people are proud of stealing and bragging about it ! gosh.. :facepalm:

and NOT everyone are posting warez stuff
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So what we share?

Share your private pics or what?

What exactly u are doing in this then?

85+% are Warez Webmaster in this site Do u know that?

So dont comment these kinda useless comments which really doesnot make any sense.

Everyone are posting warez stuff and making money from it

Gosh! This kind of over exaggerated comment are useless, Your not doing charity work man, everyone uploads for money so are you, warez uploading is not a job, its a hobby and some like that hobby even more if they are getting paid for it, that is the norm now, even i do it. If there is somr discrepancy in earnings you cannot blame filehosts, you either have to stand by them or leave them. And one more thing, Posting my personal pics is my decision and not yours!

Do think once before posting such lame comments!
Gosh! This kind of over exaggerated comment are useless, Your not doing charity work man, everyone uploads for money so are you, warez uploading is not a job, its a hobby and some like that hobby even more if they are getting paid for it, that is the norm now, even i do it. If there is somr discrepancy in earnings you cannot blame filehosts, you either have to stand by them or leave them. And one more thing, Posting my personal pics is my decision and not yours!

Do think once before posting such lame comments!

Ah. really?

Your telling to me that sharing warez is illegal alright

then tell me whats d legal thing I will do that

Sharing Home inside pics r legal?
Sharing Bike pics r legal?
Sharing etc etc etc r legal huh?

What exactly u are doing in this topic? Spamming in this thread or what?

Let me tell u in correct way , If u check every file host area mostly 85+% are uploading and living with warez stuff just note this point in your inside the brain. Second thing u are not the one who will give direction to do this or that , got it? Third and final thing , In Wjunction mostly ppls r here for warez related things.

I hope this information help u :)

On the topic :- Ftp EU speed is back with 400+ mbps :)
I hope sales will back too ;)
Again Pointless post to prove a point! I do not want waste time with you!

Do you understand english? Where did I mention that warez uploading is illegal or legal in my post? Can you find me that? I am not spamming, your making an intellectual to post his views that is all. Your Posts are laughable and dont make sense to me! Please dont post more crap after this and you'll be spamming the thread.
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