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I'm facing another issue....

I (finally) reached the $300 required for elite payout on Thursday, March 31st.


But on the dashboard it continues to say


So..... my question is: even though the dashboard has not updated, will I still be paid on tuesday??
The outstanding payment in Dashboard gets re-calculated somewhat manually.
Will be re-calcualted later today for next weeks payout.

If you hit $300 on Friday, then no worries.
@djkelaj do u think people getting rich by remoting your files ?? lol

dont be a child.. its warez world..

warez=leech+piracy+illegal+no limit..
@dj why shouting with your fukng idea with wj people and irritate this thread.. you are now expired .. :P

and play those games on your pc with your kid .. and watch those movies with your wife..

who cares you putting password to your files or not ?? we are genuinely not interested ...
so what ? :))) 30tb games remote from another filehost ? you feel proud?should take pride in something you put not remote ...
i think here we post problem about filesonic ..
not hear all noobs important it is believed, and who believe that ar " Guru " of console games that she remote from another people :)))
shufol, come on man here is the door , and please shut the door when u r exit.

blondul, u do not know me , this is 4th year of internet and I have 300 mbit internet at office.

I had 5 rapid account an 4 netload . And by the way I'm not your nanny little kiddies... MY LAST


by the way I was zero sale and today 5 sales.... how.. cause you leechers no chance to leech
yes .. that this is the right attitude .
Just think, nobody stops on yout post , are 10000000 of sources on internet and 100000 console copies of your console games and movie so if someone whant to remote somthing that you post she can just search on google and she will found the same think that you post(if you don't trust what i say , i can show you that i can found the same link that you post the same size but without protection , beacouse this is internet , everybody stole from another people over and over again , nothing on internat ar unique) . so the world will not stop if you protect or not !
so if you protect or not its your problem , not people on this forum .
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shufol, come on man here is the door , and please shut the door when u r exit.

blondul, u do not know me , this is 4th year of internet and I have 300 mbit internet at office.

I had 5 rapid account an 4 netload . And by the way I'm not your nanny little kiddies... MY LAST


by the way I was zero sale and today 5 sales.... how.. cause you leechers no chance to leech

lol I don't think leechers have anything to do with your sales. I think you taking so much time worrying about leechers getting your files affected your sales.

I'll give you an example since you do console many times have you seen an xbox360 game posted on a site and the password to it is "zarth"? I see them all the time but zarth only posts his games on xbox360iso.

A password wouldn't really stop someone from leeching if they wanted to, besides there are plenty of other sources to get console games from where no password is needed. What would be stopping those that leeched your games from using those sites as leech spots? If they do that and have the same content that you had, what difference is it if they leeched your material or someone else's with the exact same content?

I think you should stop worrying about leechers, and if you do, I'm willing to bet your sales will increase just because they aren't taking up any of your time.
You are really shooting yourself in a foot, aren't you, mate?

Ontopic, no idea what Filesonic done, but I experience slow raising of my earnings, which is quite good (about 40% and climbing)
Also, less and less servers have slow uploading speeds, which is also good. We obviously are close to stable FSC we used to have....
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