FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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@ sallett: Don't get what you mean. You can upgrade to a premium and your files won't be deleted. Don't see why we should keep a record of files that were deleted when you pressed delete or they expired.

sorry for my english :'(
i have premium<3
i mean files deleted by abuse
can you add or change date of upload to the date when file was deleted?
or make e-mail notifications? because it's hard to find wich file exactly was deleted if it was uploaded earlier - must check all list.
also/or it would be very nice if it will be possible in the list of 'DMCA removed files' manually delete titles one by one just like it is with files in 'All files' :)
sallett i am begging for this to ricky since august 2010 but he says the change is too dificult to make...... however, I've been asking for this to a friend (he is a webmaster and programer) and he tellsme that those changes are very easy to make, so the problem is that fileserve dont want to make those changes.


I begin by saying that I am very happy with fileserve. I also confirm that Ricky has given me a great support.

This request (which I hope some people join) is to beg fileserve to change something that I think is very, very wrong ...

I talk about the information system on deleting files (DMCA).

Hotfile has an excellent system, send an email giving the name of the file that was removed immediately this has been deleted.

It would, in my opinion, great if Fileserver do the same with the "empty" emails it sends.

If this is too complicated, could also be an excellent option if the list of DMCA can be arranged by date deleted and not by date of publication
¿what's the point to know the publication date of a file that was deleted?

Has been extremely difficult for me to keep my files online because I have no idea which of the files is the one that has been deleted.
Be reviewed daily folder by folder, file by file, it's frustrating.

I hope Fileserve can do something about this.

¿What do you think?

UP.... comeone ricky make me happy and do this :)
I have premium account with fileserve and whenever I go to download from them, I always get error
The requested URL could not be retrieved

I am totally frustrated with your service.
Thanks Ricky for reply.

"@ garmin: Means you need to press Transfer to Payable Account in your earnings account."

whether this method is necessary for "Redeem" too?
@DAB and Sallet

Ricky and fileserve know about these issues and they will be fixed eventually, at this moment there are many other important things to deal with i.e ftp stability, 404 errors etc etc. When fileserve is stable and has all the major bugs sorted out, only then these things will be sorted out. Ricky has been saying this again and again, try to understand, these things are not important at this moment.
CloudShadow ok, but the request was made long before the problems you mentioned was presented .... in this moment i have
so this issue make the work in fileserve imposible for me.....
Before, the DMCA removed listed all the files removed irrespective of their upload date and irrespective of their deletion time. Fileserve changed this a while ago, now only files uploaded( and then removed) in the last 30 days are displayed sorted by time of deletion.

This is an improvement from the previous system, after this change FS has faced a lot of problems and its understandable that they are focusing on those rather than this.
@ DAB: We've been working on this upgrade for some time now. That tab is totally pointless and useless for us to fix when we have bigger fish to catch.
Before, the DMCA removed listed all the files removed irrespective of their upload date and irrespective of their deletion time. Fileserve changed this a while ago, now only files uploaded( and then removed) in the last 30 days are displayed sorted by time of deletion.

This is an improvement from the previous system, after this change FS has faced a lot of problems and its understandable that they are focusing on those rather than this.
CloudShadow thanks for the help, i really need this..... I'll have to wait more time.....

@ DAB: We've been working on this upgrade for some time now. That tab is totally pointless and useless for us to fix when we have bigger fish to catch.
Well Ricky... I hope you can fix the other issues.... but again i begging you "dont forget this DMCA thing when the others problems has been resolved".

Best Regards :)

Added after 47 minutes:
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@RickyFS, I requested transfer to payout account yesterday morning, and usually by monday morning it's already available to click "payout". But it's the middle of monday (at least here) and it's still not available. Is the maintenance going to affect payouts??
Well today i used the "fileserve manager" to download. I can say that is a very good tool for make the downloads, for me is greater than idm.

Great download speed and fast "regrup" of the temporal parts (really more fast than idm in this last)

the speed:

Well if this tool going to be like this for the uploads... well, going to be the greatest. If i can upload to fileserve at the same speed than bitshare (10megabytes/s per file - 40megabytes/s total) , i will be happy to make my donation for the tool support :D
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@ BloodSucker: No, payout won't be affected by maintenance. As you can see your earnings aren't affected either. Only the speed of file manager and sometimes the servers involved are affected. Everything else should run good.

@ DAB: That screenshot should be posted in every hater's wall. Looks like good speed you're getting there.
@ BloodSucker: No, payout won't be affected by maintenance. As you can see your earnings aren't affected either. Only the speed of file manager and sometimes the servers involved are affected. Everything else should run good.

Ok. Thanks for the reply. Was asking because the payout button is still not available.
I've noticed the slow speed in the filemanager and on some servers..... when is this heavy maintenance expected to end?? Just an estimated date.... :)
Is FS counter still running? My files which uploaded yesterday didn't have any download although FSO and ULD have 3x download?


Upload by ftp but don't see any file in Manager (at pending too)
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Ricky, please help me sending the verification. Till now I have not received the verification email to my email yet after changing the haker payment email.
Hey Ricky :

Why dont u add Paxum as an additional payment withdrawal system

Its same as epassporte but better then that

Over 150 adult companies are using it

It offers debit cards and also have check & wire withdrawal facility with low fees

Canada based company

Yeap! same here please add paxum as a payment method! <3
Getting FTP looked at. It isn't because it is broken...

@ babygohan: We don't care what adult companies do or use; just like we don't use CCBill as our payment gateway. We're not one, nor should be compared with one.
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